THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF ORANGE COUNTY -- Season:17 -- Pictured: Heather Dubrow -- (Photo by: Andrew Eccles/Bravo)
The Real Housewives of Orange County Snark and Highlights for 6/28/2023
-Gina and Anabelle’s modeling storyline is giving me major season one RHONJ vibes with Teresa and Gia.
-Dude ranch….a ranch full of dudes….were their significant others serious or were they making bad dad jokes?
-This dude ranch trip is going to be a disaster…..they can’t even get through the shopping trip without drama.
-Jenn, RUN from this cheating dude!
-Jenn still has her blinders on when it comes to Ryan….and I don’t think it is going to end well at all.
-Heather’s empty nest syndrome is all too real for so many parents.
-Taylor talking smack about Heather to Tamra is going to bite her in the ass. I know she is probably venting, but still….do not bring others into the issue!
-The food looks delicious at this restaurant.
-Heather was a bit rude to Taylor, but again, this is only going to end badly for everyone.
-Emily has COVID and can’t go to the dude ranch trip.
-Gina needs to mind her own business when it comes to Jenn’s life.
-Why do these women always complain about their accommodations? Can’t they ever appreciate what they’ve got?
-This bull riding looks like a lot of fun, but the flashbacks make it even funnier.
-It’s too vagina? WTF foes that even mean?
-This sharing fun facts is always interesting, but at the same time we all know it won’t last because a fight is on the horizon.
-Heather and Taylor are now fighting over the acting debacle. I knew this was going to happen.
-I knew the Taylor and Tamra conversation was going to come back and bite Taylor in the ass.
-More next week, stay tuned.