THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY -- Pictured: "The Real Housewives of New York City" Key Art -- (Photo by: Bravo Media)
The Real Housewives of New York City Snark and Highlights for 8/20/2023
-Brynn has been engaged three times and is finally ready to settle down and get married.
-$224,000 worth of diamonds? They better do my laundry, cook me dinner and go grocery shopping for me, just saying.
-Jenna seems to always have so many projects going on….it amazes me.
-Has anyone told Erin that renewing your vows on these shows is bad luck?
-Wow, applying to preschool is more complicated than applying to college these days, sheesh!
-Why is it so bad for Jenna to remain private about her love life?
-Ubah has COVID and cannot attend the party.
-This episode seems to just focus on the party….ugh.
-This party is going nowhere and is super boring.
-Jessel and Erin making up and deciding to be friends again is the best part about this episode.
-Jenna grabbed Erin’s ass…..and it took her five minutes to notice.
-Jenna opening up about her breakup is so sad….but it is so nice for the girls to rally around her during her time of need.
-Seriously, this episode feels like it has been a million hours long….and most of it was this party!
-Erin reading her speech from her phone is so on brand for her.
-A party like this only has pigs in a blanket for food? REALLY?
-Jenna’s hair caught on fire as Sai decided to leave the party to get food.
-Erin is pissed about Sai leaving without saying anything.
-More next week, stay tuned.