STARS ON MARS: Paul Pierce on the “Leaks In The Hab” episode of STARS ON MARS airing, Monday, July 17 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. CR: Brook Rushton/FOX. ©2023 FOX Media LLC.
Stars on Mars Recap for 7/17/2023
-The rations are back, but they need to use them carefully due to four more people joining the crew.
-The four new people seem to be fitting in with everyone, especially Andy and Ashley. Porsha loves the bonding and compares it to a cocktail hour.
-Lance talks to Andy about the transgenders in sports conversation and seems as if he regrets the conversation.
-It is time to pick a base commander. Andy wants the job, but the veterans don’t think he is ready. Marshawn nominates Lance for the job and Porsha agrees it is a good idea.
-Ronda and Adam for their part, want Ariel to be in charge.
-Ariel gets the job, upsetting Marshawn to the point where they get into a major argument.
-Lance is also upset about this turn of events and wants to leave the mission altogether. Porsha calls him out, but he says he doesn’t want to live in the HAB with certain people.
-The house is now divided. Ariel tries to talk to Marshawn, thinking it has to do with their debate last week, but no avail. Same goes for Lance and Porsha talking things out.
-Ariel is left in tears.
-Paul thinks that they should have talked things out.
-Ariel takes charge….and takes no prisoners. You go, girl! WOOT!
-Lance decides to stay.
-There is an emergency! Shatty Daddy tells them that oxygen levels are plummeting due to a meteor shower, and they must act fast to patch holes caused by it.
-Ariel quickly puts people in charge to make sure they complete this mission on time.
-There is only two hours to complete the mission.
-It is a difficult mission, especially since several of them need to use their fingers to plug the holes for the time being.
-Ariel tries to keep up everyone’s spirits with stories and chit chat, but Lance hates it, wishing she would be quiet.
-Paul seems to be struggling physically and mentally.
-Despite it being touch and go for a bit, all the holes were patched and the mission was completed.
-Shatty Daddy congratulates them on a job well done and tells them that someone must be eliminated for not being mission critical.
-Ariel admits that she cannot stand Lance but thinks putting him in the bottom three would cause even more problems. She decides to save him, much to his surprise and happiness.
-Ronda, Ashley and Paul are in the bottom three, with Ashley being sent home.
-Andy plans on showing his monstrous side when he becomes space commander.
-More next week, stay tuned!