Stars on Mars Recap for 7/10/2023

Stars on Mars Recap for 7/10/2023

Stars on Mars Recap for 7/10/2023

-Are we just going to play stupid games and hang out? I thought we were expecting new people to join them.

-I have no clue how the transgenders in sports topic came up, but it led to quite a bit of tension in the house. Lance made quite a few enemies with his comments and Adam looked extremely upset and uncomfortable.

-This episode is so boring….literally nothing has happened.

-Finally! We are getting somewhere with this episode!

-Shatty Daddy tells them they need to locate a downed craft, save the celeb-ronauts, and remove the canisters before destruction occurs.

-Adam is the base commander and chooses Porsha as the mission specialist.

-The mission begins! However, there is low oxygen, making the mission the much more difficult.

-A crash has everyone working hard to rescue the four new people and completing the mission as soon as possible.

-One canister is detained, but they still need to get one more with fifteen minutes remaining.

-Phase one is finally completed and now it is time to rescue the four celeb-ronats.

-Andy Richter (comedian), Ashley Iaconetti (Bachelor star), Cat Cora (Iron Chef star) and Paul Pierce (NBA star) are the new celebrities joining the mission. I must say, I did not see this coming. I fully expected the eliminated stars to return.

-Adam is welcoming, but there already seems to be tension with Paul and Ariel…..based on him finding her bossy.

-The new celebrities are decontaminated and brought in to meet everyone.

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-Every time I see Andy, I can only see him as the dude who pretended to be Monk’s new BFF to cover up a murder.

-Shatty Daddy returns to tell them they succeeded in their mission and there is no elimination.

-There is a lot of tension, especially with Paul and the ladies. He is not fond of Ariel and the ladies seem to want to protect her.

-New puppy babies!

-More next week, stay tuned.

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