Masterchef Recap for 7/19/2023

Masterchef Recap for 7/19/2023

Masterchef Recap for 7/19/2023

-Firefighters!!! Night made! (I have a thing for firefighters, what can I say?)

-The remaining cooks will be making a meal for the Ventura County Fire Academy…all 101 of them, as well as their emergency personnel.

-There will be two teams, the winners will be safe, while the other one will have someone elimnated.

-Jennifer is safe due to winning last week. She will also pick the teams.

-Red Team: South and Midwest.

-Blue Team: West and Northeast.

-Jennifer is the captain for the red team. She wants everyone to be respectful and speak one at a time. They are making NY strip steak and potatoes with veggies and chimichurri.

-Brynn is the captain for the blue team. They make pork chops with cornbread and several veggie-based sides.

-As each team cooks, the judges give commentary and thoughts based on what is happening and how they think things will play out.

-Ryan points out that they need to be careful cooking the pork chops due to the grill being different than what they are used to…..and makes them use the meat thermometer to make sure it is completely cooked.

-The judges talk to the captains and offer advice on how to improve their meals. The blue team seems to be doing well, but they need to polish things up.

-The red team does well with the steaks, but the potatoes are raw.

-The blue team send out raw pork chops, causing them to get yelled at by Chef Ramsay.

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-The red team struggle with their potatoes and must use the stick blender to mash them.

-Despite the struggle, the red team’s food is the favorite so far. However, their celebration is short lived when they end up with raw steak. Chef Ramsay is not happy!

-The blue team continues to have issues with the pork chops, upsetting Ryan in particular.

-The red team’s steaks are now lacking flavor, while the people who got the latest round of pork chops fare better.

-The blue team ends up running out of time and unable to serve the rest of the guests.


-The blue team must now eliminate someone.

-Ryan is eliminated.

-More next week, stay tuned.

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