Big Brother 25th Anniversary Celebration an Entertainment Tonight Special ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Big Brother 25th Anniversary Celebration Snark and Highlights
-Big Brother has had 855 episodes and over 300 houseguests. $12.5 million dollars in prize money has been rewarded.
-Season one’s ratings were so bad it almost got cancelled during said season.
-Ragen and Rachel didn’t get along initially (we all remember him mimicking her laugh) but now she says they are actually friends.
-I forgot that Keesha’s birthday was ruined on season ten due to a knock down, drag out fight.
-There were a LOT of fights in this house. Shannon using someone’s toothbrush to clean a toilet completely sent me…..
-Season two was so heartbreaking when the final three houseguests found out about the 9/11 terrorist attacks….especially when Monica found out her cousin died.
-Season five’s long-lost sibling reveal and twin switch could never be topped when it comes to casting.
-Not having a washer and dryer in the BB house had to have SUCKED a big one.
-I never realized how often the BB house changed over the years.
-The houseguests have spent a total of 2,025 days in the house over 25 seasons, with Nicole Franzel staying there a record 255 days over her three seasons in the house.
-After hearing that houseguests can be under lockdown for competitions and that they can’t sing….AND there is an ant issue….I think I’d go crazy in a house like this.
-I have no idea whatever possessed the show to change from PB&J for have nots to slop. I know there is the risk for nut allergies, but surely they could have had just a jelly sandwich?
-Maggots in the have not room is just plain cruel….seriously though, how is that allowed?
-Evel Dick will remain the most historic houseguest of all time, but Dan gave him a run for his money with that funeral.
-Derrick was never nominated for elimination and managed to win his season….that was pretty epic.
-Alliances were always everything in the house, but I think the names of said alliances are even better.
-The Cookout will always be the most historic alliance of all time. I don’t think anyone could ever top it.
-Taylor was the first Black woman to win the show and the only one to win the show and America’s Favorite Player at the same time.
-I never realized the sequestered jury began because of the aftermath of season three being sent home and allowed to watch the show.
-Julie Chen Moonves was not only the second choice to host the show, but she initially turned it down because she wanted to focus on her budding news career.
-The first choice to host the show was Meredith Viera.
-The live feeds and having the houseguests vote each other out is what most likely saved the show.
-There is something so cute about George Clooney being a fan of the show..
-So, it sounds like there are no plans to make another Celebrity Big Brother, but if it happens, Julie wants Tom Brady, Kim Kardashian, Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart as houseguests. I would be glued to the TV during that season!
-Big Brother has had more successful marriages than The Bachelor franchise….most likely because they spend so much time together.
-The eight couples still together are Brendon and Rachel, Jordan and Jeff, Bayleigh and Swaggy C, Nicole and Victor, Dominic and Daniele, Jessica and Cody, Memphis and Christmas and Derek and Claire. they are all married, save for Derek and Claire, who are currently engaged.
-Brendon and Rachel had the first BB baby. There are eleven kids (BB the next generation, anyone?) total from these couples.
-Brendon and Rachel also became one of the first showmances that led to marriage and children.
-Derek and Claire and Jessica and Cody both won The Amazing Race. Rachel and Brendon also competed, but didn’t win.
-Jordan and Jeff have been together the longest and even got engaged on an episode of the show.
-ZINGBOT is the most memorable thing to have ever been on the show. However, I am with Julie about Froot Lop Dingus Bustafooligan being the best insult of all time…thanks, Zach!
-This next season will have 90 cameras, 113 microphones and 16 houseguests….and some old, familiar faces?
-EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED starting next week, stay tuned!