Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/30/2023: POV Winner Announced

Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/30/2023: POV Winner Announced

Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/30/2023: POV Winner Announced

Tonight is yet another POV comp on CBS’s Big Brother 25. This will determine if Jag and Blue will stay on the block or if someone will be backdoored.


Cameron lets them know they were nominated because they are the enemy of the Legend 25 alliance. Despite not being surprised by this turn of events, Blue says she is not going down without a fight.


Cirie is happy because her allies are safe.


Blue talks to Jared, her showmance partner about what is going on. She says the worst case will be Jag wins, takes himself off the block and Jared goes up. She hopes Jared plays and wins POV so he can save her. They try to figure out a plan to save Jag as well.


America and Cory grow closer. He says his brother was on Survivor. She tells him she graduated from an Ivy League school. They now trust each other more.


Red and Cameron plan to target Cirie, Felicia and Izzy next…with Izzy being the main target.


Jared tells Blue he is related to someone in the house, but makes her believe it could be Felicia. However, she thinks it could be Cirie.


Cameron tries to pull Matt into his alliance with Red, but he blabs to Cirie. He promises to be by her side.


Izzy goes on a condom search to play a prank on America and Cory and Felicia joins in….yeah. I don’t know.

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Red, Mecole and Jared join Cameron, Jag and Blue in the POV comp. They have to answer riddles to open a chest and eventually escape the room. The fastest one wins.


Cameron, Jag and Red are in the top three with Red winning.


Despite the fact that Red and Cameron want to target Izzy, the nominations stay the same.


Eviction tomorrow, stay tuned!


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