BIG BROTHER Thursday August 24, (9:00 – 10:00 PM ET/PT on the CBS Television Network and live streaming on Paramount+ and PlutoTV. Pictured: Julie Chen Moonves. Photo: Sonja Flemming/CBS ©2023 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/23/2023: Who Got Evicted?
Big Brother 25 faces its 3rd eviction of the season. Hisam and Cameron are both on the block, but as of now it seems like Hisam is the one heading home based on how the house feels about his gameplay.
Hisam is ANGRY because his alliance completely blindsided him by not filling him in on the backdoor plan. He talks to Felicia, who tells him that she did it because of how he never saw her as a competitor. He is not a happy bunny.
Hisam then talks to Izzy, who lets him know that his behavior is the reason why he got backdoored. She and others heard about things he said and did against the alliance and knew something needed to be done.He protests that it was all done so that he can get the target off his back after his three wins.
The Hisam Apology Tour begins! He talks to Izzy and Felicia, but neither one of them really believe what he has to say, nor do they think he is really loyal to the alliance. Cirie is a bit more understanding and considers keeping him.
The three of them discuss the apology tour and briefly consider keeping Hisam. However, Felicia knows she will be targeted if he stays.
Hisam wonders if there is hope for him to stay.
Eviction time! Both Cameron and Hisam give their final pleas to stay before the voting begins.
In the third unanimous decision of the season, Hisam is evicted from the Big Brother Household.
Kaysar returns to tell them that they will be doing their own version of the Pressure Cooker competition.
Hisam tells Julie that he knows he can be a tough, intimidating player and made some bad decisions. He is also surprised Cirie and Jared are related.
Julie announces that there will be a BB Power of Invincibility, which will give four houeguests the chance to save an evicted houseguest in one of the next two evictions….including themselves.
The HOH comp begins with them standing while pressing a button. The last one standing wins….but they can each win a prize or punishment based on the number they choose upon elimination.
More Sunday, stay tuned.