Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/16/2023: Who Won POV?

Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/16/2023: Who Won POV?

Big Brother 25 Recap for 8/16/2023: Who Won POV?

Big Brother 25 picks up right where we left off with the nomination ceremony. Hisam thinks that having Cameron and Reilly on the block will see where the alliances stand. Cameron thinks he is safe, while Reilly is fit to be tied.


Reilly talks to Hisam, who says that because she made him out to be a target, he had to put her on the block. They talk about working together if she stays, but she knows he is BS’ing her.


Jag returns from the Nether Region with no new information.


Hisam lets the house know that they need to keep Reilly on the block. He even goes as far as telling Matt that she could be a danger to him, but this makes Matt determined to play and win POV to save her.


Jag finds out he has to send someone to the Nether Region. The twist is that this person would not be able to play in the POV or be on the block. He knows he has to make a careful decision since he wants to avoid upsetting the alliances, so he just asks for a volunteer. Bowie offers and in the end, he sends her to the Nether Region. She is happy because she thinks Red is a strong competitor and can help with her alliance, Reilly is upset because her strongest ally isn’t supporting her and Hisam wanted Blue to go so he is upset.

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America, Matt and Blue join Reilly, Hisam and Cameron in the POV comp. Hisam makes it clear to Izzy and Cirie that this is not what he wanted to happen. Reilly, on the other hand, is elated because members of her alliance are playing.


The POV comp has each player spin turntables to decode scrambled messages and complete tasks in the shortest amount of time.


Several members struggle, but Blue comes in third, Cameron in second place and Hisam in first, therefore winning his second POV.


Bowie returns with no message for the houseguests.


Hisam tells Reilly he is keeping things as is and telling everyone at the meeting that she is the target due to her HOH actions. He keeps true to his word and Reilly vows to target him next week if she stays.


Eviction tomorrow, stay tuned!



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