Big Brother 25 Live Feeds: Another Week in the House Begins
Special thanks to Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network!
- The feeds come back after being down for almost a day.
- It seems like the Nether Region is saving people.
- Hisam won POV.
- Jared seems to be Team Reilly, who thinks she has the support of others in the house. However, she doesn’t realize that the exact opposite is true.
- Cory and America talk to Reilly and come up with a plan to backdoor Hisam next week.
- Jag and Blue seem to have a new alliance and want to make a final three deal with Hisam.
- Cory and Cirie think Hisam should be the next target.
- Cirie doesn’t like Reilly saying she has her support and worries that she might have blood on her hands if the Hisam plan comes into play.
- Jag tries to put word out that saving Reilly may be a good idea, but he tells Blue he knows this might be impossible.
- Matt wants Hisam to use the POV to save Reilly. She doesn’t see this happening and doesn’t like his idea of threatening to not work with him if he doesn’t.
- Red and Jared think that Reilly did too much during her HOH reign and needs to go.
- Cory and Jared come up with ideas on how to backdoor Hisam next week. Cory wants to put America on the block, but Jared thinks that this would be a waste of time since she isn’t connected to anyone yet. They think Bowie and Red might be better on the block.
- Cory talks about Cirie being a legendary Survivor player while Jared plays dumb about it.
- Jared talks to Izzy about the plan to get rid of Hisam next week.
- Jared and Cirie talk about possibly getting rid of Cameron and how Cory is a huge fan. They realize they need to get their stories straight to avoid him becoming suspicious.
- Hisam seems to not like Felicia, making him even more of a target. Izzy hopes the other side gets him so there is no blood on her hands.
- Hisam, Felicia, Red, Cirie, Mecole and Bowie are in the HOH room drinking wine. They worry about how the other side will fare once Reilly is gone and to watch out for them.
- Hisam seems to be getting more arrogant and telling people what to do, making himself even more of a target without realizing it.
- Izzy and Hisam confirm they are still in a final two deal. She informs him that Cory is voting Reilly out.
- Bowie wants Blue out next.
- Reilly tries to find a way to stay.
- Cory thinks he and Jared need to dial back their partnership.
- Izzy and Felicia are glad Bowie is on their side.
- Bowie is still set on targeting Blue and thinks that Hisam was not ready to make such a big move.
- Hisam pretends that things could go either way this week.
- Hisam is still the target for next week for most people.
- Cirie wonders if the twist will be taking away someone’s vote.
- Matt thinks it is possible Reilly can stay. She is worried because of things she has been told.
- Mecole and Cirie think Blue staying can do more harm than good for the game since she is close to Jared, Jag, Matt and America. They also don’t trust her to make any big moves if she wins HOH.
- America tells Reilly that people are trying to help her stay.
- America and Cory think Cameron spilled the beans on the alliance.
- Matt and Jared think one of them needs to win HOH next week.
- Hisam apologizes to Reilly for being rude to her during the Veto Speech.
- Jared convinces Reilly there is still a possibility that she can stay in the house. He and Jag help her campaign to stay.
- Mecole doesn’t understand why Hisam is a target.
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