America's Got Talent Recap for 7/11/2023

America’s Got Talent Recap for 7/11/2023

America’s Got Talent Recap for 7/11/2023

Mairandera–Dancer: She is fourteen and who wants to be an inspiration to young girls. She has beautiful lines and movement and kind of reminds me of the pros on DWTS. So moving and dreamlike….I love it. Four yeses.


Artem Shchukin–Magician: He manages to mix comedy, card tricks and miming into hi act, making it a bit hard to see which one is supposed to me the main focus, but regardless, it is amazing to watch. I am curious to see where he takes this in the future. Four yeses.


MOS–Brass band: They play an instrumental version of Bang Bang and WOW. I would never have thought to do this kind of cover of the song, but they somehow made it work. Four yeses.


Oswaldo Colina–Finger Dancing: He gets buzzed quickly and sent home.


Trent Toney–Singer: He sings a song for his estranged wife, with whom he is still in love. The audience and judges urge him to call her, but despite another song and her picking up the phone, they are not back together yet (learned by an update) Four yeses.


Puppet Simon and the Cow Belles–Puppet Act: The puppets are in love with Simon because of course they are. The channel Queen and Britney….causing Sofia to buzz them. However, the other judges like the act and put them through. Three yeses, one no.


Duo Desire–Acrobats: They are a husband and wife acrobat team. This act has been done quite a bit on the show, but they have a hot chemistry that makes them stand out. Four yeses

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Presley and Taylor–Singing duo: They do an original song with their band and while they do well, it is nothing too exciting for the judges. Four nos.


Andrew Stanton–Danger: He swallows swords and while it is a very interesting act, It is really creepy. Even Heidi is hiding behind her desk. However, they all seem intrigued by it. Four yeses.


Lavender Darcangelo–Singer: She is blind and autistic. Her dad joins her on stage and she belts out her rendition of Out Here on My Own from Fame. Everyone is in tears. Heidi loves it so much she GIVES HER A GOLDEN BUZZER!!!


More next week, stay tuned!

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