ICYMI: The Playboy Murders Recap for Playboy Meets Bachelor
- The premiere episode of The Playboy Murders is titled Playboy Meets Bachelor. The episode opens with the discovery of a nude female in a suitcase. Her fingers and teeth are missing, possibly to try and keep her from being identified.
- As authorities tried to figure out her identity, they tried to figure out why someone would kill her.
- Thanks to the serial number on her breast implants, the woman is identified as Jasmine Fiore. She was a former Playboy model. Her friend and fellow model Stacy Burke and former Playboy Golf CEO Ajay Pathak were floored when they heard the news and could not figure out who could have done this.
- Stacy looks back on her time at the mansion and how she was there when Holly Madison was the main girlfriend. Both girls remember how Hugh Hefner would recruit girlfriends, including Jasmine. They remember her as being a nice girl who fit the brand perfectly. She specifically worked events for Playboy Golf, which involved hosting events for the franchise.
- Jasmine grew up as an only child in Bonny Doon, California. She was raised by a single mom who struggled to make ends meet. As a young girl, she was a tomboy, but ambitious. Her main goal was to get out of her town and make it as a model. Holly inferred she got involved with the Playboy Golf franchise as a stepping stone for something more….including being the centerfold for the magazine.
- Jasmine soon became a coordinator for Playboy Golf. She was told that she would be safe within the walls of Playboy, but outside that world, she needed to be careful.
- On August 17th, 2009, two days after Jasmine’s body was found, the investigation begins. Her husband Ryan Jenkins is investigated. He had reported her missing, but after her body was found, he was unable to be reached. When investigators finally talk to him, he claimed to be in Canada for visa issues.
- However, it was soon discovered he was on a show called Megan Wants a Millionaire, starring Megan Hauserman, another former Playboy model. She loved the lifestyle, but soon became involved in the reality TV world. She remembers meeting Ryan during the first episode of her show and that there was an immediate connection. She thought there was something real there, but it also had to be kept a secret.
- Megan soon realized that Ryan wasn’t actually a millionaire, but still wanted a relationship. She wanted to pick him, but the producers made her eliminate him against her wishes. She tried to talk to him afterward, which is when she found out about Jasmine. They’d met in a nightclub after the show and immediately hit it off. They also thought it was a sign that they shared a birthday.
- However, the honeymoon didn’t last long with the two of them once they realized they didn’t know each other very well at all. At one point, Ryan contacted Megan to see if there was still something there.
- During the investigation, semen was found in Jasmine’s body via a rape kit. It belonged to her former husband Michael Cardosi. He had just been released from prison prior to her murder. The two of them had met up on August 11th, days before she was killed. This made him the prime suspect.
- It was inferred that despite divorcing in 2005, the two of them were still in love. He also wore an ankle monitor and was proven to be nowhere near Jasmine at the time of the murder. He is cleared, making Ryan the prime suspect once more.
- Megan recalls Ryan as having a temper and getting jealous when she talked to other guys on the show. He also got violent with Jasmine when he caught her talking to another man, causing him to push her and be put in jail for the incident.
- Stacy remembers Jasmine talking to her about her issues with Ryan, but not realizing that it was so bad. She initially thought they were just having typical marital problems.
- Megan remembers seeing Ryan a couple of months before the murder and telling him that Jasmine was ruining his life. He was also paranoid and shaky. She helped him get away from him by getting him on I Love Money, which caused more problems with the couple.
- Producers recall him being obsessed with winning the show and how he hoped it would help him win back his wife.
- The investigation continued, which led to authorities finding photos, videos and text messages. This brought them to a hotel in San Diego, which showed surveillance video of Jasmine arriving and going to a poker tournament. It was then discovered she was texting a new man named Robert Hasman. He is an ex-boyfriend of Jasmine’s and she was telling him about her issues with Ryan. It is believed Ryan discovered this later on at the night when they were at another club called The Ivy….where she was last seen. Ryan himself was seen rushing back to the hotel…..without Jasmine.
- Further investigation showed blood and hair in the back patio of the room. Witnesses claim to have seen the couple arguing, cinching the case.
- Megan recalls finding out Ryan was a suspect in the murder. Meanwhile, authorities try to piece together what happened from the time of the argument to the time Ryan left the hotel to dump the body.
- A warrant is put out for Ryan’s arrest. He tried to escape via the water and by crossing the border via a ditch. It is said that his sister picked him up and checked him into a hotel, where he later committed suicide, leaving a note behind about what happened and how he felt.
- Megan’s modeling and reality career came to an end.
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