THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF SALT LAKE CITY -- Season:3 -- Pictured: (l-r) Whitney Rose, Lisa Barlow, Jen Shah, Meredith Marks, Heather Gay -- (Photo by: Chris Haston/Bravo)
The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Snark and Highlights for 11/9/2022
- What the hell is Angie Harrington doing here in her Dollar Store leotard outfit? Jen Shah has the BEST snark and if she weren’t so problematic with this criminal case, she would easily be the GOAT Housewife.
- I love how Angie H is arguing with two random women (who are they?) and Whitney is standing there doing her best Mary Anne from Perfect Strangers impression.
- Chris Harrington “Grown Ass Man” cracked me up more than it should have….this episode is being hilarious without even trying.
- Jen is REALLY calling out Angie H. and her husband on the fake Instagram account.
- Can we let Blow Job Gate go already? With everything else going on, this is the least important issue.
- The fighting outside jumping in between some rando singing Amazing Grace is unintentionally hilarious.
- Angie K is Jen’s friend….one of the random women from before.
- Why is Lisa auditioning for the choir?
- Fat Elf on a Shelf husband….Jen is not playing tonight!
- Seeing Jen and Lisa call out Angie H and Heather is completely epic tonight!
- Why is Heather making this about herself?
- The bathtub scene with Meredith and Seth is kind of creepy. I mean, I’m happy they love each other, but I have never been a fan of these kinds of scenes.
- Also, all I got out of this scene was that I use the same bubble bath they do.
- Does anyone really sit in the tub with their spouse to gossip?
- Maybe you need to OWN what you did wrong, Heather?
- The Lavender Vida cocktail sounds delightful.
- Coach really calls Jen out when needed, but he obviously loves her so much.
- The bonding session between Whitney and Lisa is actually kind of sweet.
- Seeing Whitney and Heather fight and seemingly fall out is so heartbreaking.
- More next week, stay tuned!
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