The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Snark and Highlights for 11/16/2022

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Snark and Highlights for 12/14/2022

The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City Snark and Highlights for 11/16/2022

  • ‘I am always hungry.’ Same, Lisa, same. As an aside, thanks to you, a big-ass cup of Diet Coke is my new main accessory.


  • Jack is wise beyond his years in terms of his religious beliefs and thinking each person has their own way of doing and believing in things.


  • It is kind of odd Heather still wants Whitney in her choir, especially since she escorted her out of her house. No wonder Whitney doesn’t want to be a part of it!


  • Are these husbands trying to be the new Jersey husbands? Also, can we have a Ultimate Husbands Trip with Coach, Seth, Maurico, Ken, Frankie, Joey…etc?


  • It is interestingto see the husbands say grace before eating. Very nice to see though.


  • I love how they don’t care about the drama with the wives, they just want to eat, chat and drink. Maybe I should be an honorary female house husband?


  • The guys are discussing issues like grown ups! Ladies, see what happens when you calmly talk things out? You hug it out and move on!


  • I love seeing Meredith and her family together and truly hope they work things out.


  • Angie K’s lipstick is  awesome and I need to know what color/brand it is immediately.


  • Jen defending herself is always amazing to hear because she tells it like it is—or is it SHAHMAZING?
See also  The Real Housewives of New Jersey Finale Highlights and Snark for 4/26/2022


  • This choir storyline is the stupidest one in any franchise and that includes Panty Gate, Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy and the fiasco with Joey Gorga’s hair paint. I said what I said.


  • Heather and Lisa fighting in sync with the choir practicing is unintentionally hilarious.


  • Do you like me? Are we in fifth grade now?


  • Fighting in the middle of this choir thing Heather wanted to do do badly is so……something, I have no words for this craziness.


  • Meredith has an entire fridge filled with drinks. However, Yolanda’s fridge still wins.


  • Pool drinking with Jen is GOALS.


  • Who the heck is this Danna person and why is she picking on Jen?


  • Is Angie K just sitting there getting sloshed alone? What a mood!


  • More next week, stay tuned!
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