Young Sheldon Recap for 10/6/2022: Future Worf and the Margarita of the South Pacific

Young Sheldon Recap for 10/6/2022: Future Worf and the Margarita of the South Pacific

Young Sheldon Recap for 10/6/2022: Future Worf and the Margarita of the South Pacific

What you missed last week:


Missy and Sheldon met Mandy….and told her MeeMaw and Georgie were in jail.


The snarkiness Missy had with Mandy was hilarious.


Sheldon is all grown up.


Dale and George’s road trip makes me hope we see more of them together in the future.


Missy is on fire this season with her one liners.


I love the walkie talkie moments with Sheldon and Missy.


I just about died laughing at Dale taking the picture of MeeMaw and Georgie sleeping in the cell….and George yelling at Georgie to wake up.


I am rooting for a Dale/MeeMaw reconciliation.


Sheldon’s speech shaming Pastor Jeff and the church was epic.


That moment where Mary slammed the door on Pastor Jeff’s face was so powerful.


Season 6, Episode 2


The episode opens with Mary serving the family Hamburger Helper. Missy says they are poor, Sheldon questions what they are eating, while George, MeeMaw and Georgie make their own snarky comments.


Sheldon wonders if they are praying due to Mary questioning the church, so Missy takes over and says her own prayer, which includes blessing the food, wanting a good hair day and wanting George to get a job so they don’t lose cable.

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After dinner, Mary and George spend time together in the kitchen while Missy and Sheldon come up with a plan to sell stuff to help make money for the family.


Dr. Linkletter calls MeeMaw for a date and she agrees, but only if it is platonic. She also insists on a restaurant when he offers her a home cooked meal. He tells her that he will one day make her mushroom barley soup.


Later on that night, George questions Brenda about why she gave Mary a job, especially based on what was going on with them. She insists there is nothing going on with them and it will be fine.


Missy and Sheldon continue to come up with ideas for what to do to raise money, including selling ideas to TV shows. Missy doesn’t think this will work since he is a kid, but he says it will now that his voice is deeper.


At the bowling alley, Mary questions Brenda about the bookkeeping. Brenda tells her she can find something else if it is too much, but Mary insists it is fine.


Pastor Rob is bowling, so Mary goes to chat with him. They agree to be friends when his girlfriend comes up. It turns out Mary used to be her babysitter and let her get away with a lot of stuff. Mary pretends not to remember and goes back to work. Brenda tries to question her, but Mary gets flustered and goes back to work.


George is at home when he finds MeeMaw raiding the fridge. They talk about Mary and how much she has changed. She even tells him that Mary was quite wild before she met George.

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Sheldon is talking to Dr. Linkletter, who is making reservations for his dinner with MeeMaw. He ends up asking Sheldon for advice on the date.


Missy goes to the comic book store and lies her way into getting a job. She goes to tell Sheldon, who thinks he should have gotten the job.


Brenda sees Mary crying and invites her out for a drink. Mary talks about the church situation, which leads to them talking about Pastor Rob. Mary denies any attraction and insists bigger men like George are more her type. They continue to talk about him and Shannon, leading Brenda to realize that Mary has a crush. Mary gets flustered again and goes to dance, surprising Brenda.


MeeMaw and Dr Linkletter go out to dinner for Polynesian food and he tries to impress her. However, he ends up getting drunk and making her uncomfortable.


Sheldon pitches a Star Trek idea to George, who pretends to be interested, but has no idea what he is talking about or who Patrick Stewart is. He begins questioning it, which leads to Sheldon finding a flaw in his story and coming up with a get rich quick idea. He runs to tell Missy, but she is more interested in finding out more about Batman’s past. He goes to pitch the idea to Georgie, who isn’t paying attention and ends up kicking him out of his room.


Mary comes home and tells George she went dancing with Brenda, leaving him surprised.


The episode ends with Missy at work and still annoying Sheldon.

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