January 31, 2025
The Real Housewives of Potomac Snark and Highlights for 10/30/22


The Real Housewives of Potomac Snark and Highlights for 10/30/22

  • These were the worst taglines of any franchise, and this includes the ones that remind us that Kyle lives in Beverly Hills and whatever Rinna was blabbing about last season being named Karma. (Nothing against them, but those taglines were not it.)
  • Wait, now Wendy wants to go into the restaurant business?
  • I am not really sure what Robyn’s deal is….first she yells at Wendy over the Mia debacle and then completely leaves her out of the Family Fun Day. I know she says she is being petty, but it was also rude and uncalled for to make plans in front of someone who isn’t invited.
  • Wait, so Wendy isn’t welcome, but she is having Candiace play auntie to Wendy’s kids? Does Candiace even like Wendy enough to do this and vice versa?
  • Why does Robyn refer to Juan and Juan Dixon? Is he the Harry Hamlin of Potomac?
  • I know Karen can no longer eat chicken, but she could have cooked it for Ray or made something for the girls instead of throwing it away.
  • Seeing Ashley write her separation statement and plan when it will be released was so heartbreaking to watch.
  • I feel bad for Gizelle’s daughter being dragged to this event. She is so much older than the other girls and is just going to be bored.
  • Mia really has no filter when talking about these ladies. It is both entertaining and problematic because it can come back to bite her in the butt.
  • Watching everyone do the potato sack is hilarious.
  • Karen having trouble breathing was so scary.
  • Even though she is separating from Michael, I get why Ashley finds it a bit sad that he got a vasectomy.
  • I cannot even imagine how it feels to have the IVF not work out….especially if you really want a baby.
  • Having the news of her separation and alleged cheating by Michael leaked to the press like that is so gross……I cannot even imagine how angry Ashley was in that moment.
  • It is almost comical how this scene is being filmed because it is obvious she is not actually driving.
  • More next week, stay tuned!
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