ICYMI: The Amazing Race Recap for 10/20/2022
There are nine teams left on CBS’s The Amazing Race and they are all heading to the Kingdom of Jordan! They all fly there together and once they arrive at the desert, board a train. As an aside, it is absolutely gorgeous.
The teams are greeted by horses and camels, which makes them happy. They then get their first clues and cars and head to the first part of this leg. They must look for spaceship debris on a movie set using a metal detector to get their next clue.
Michael and Marcus complete it first and head to Petra, thanks their next clue.
Each team makes it to the metal roadblock one by one, completing it and heading to Petra. Some teams struggle and find things such as beer cans, but before long, they find what is needed.
Emily hurt her leg and is struggling.
Detour time!They need to carry four bags of hay and provide water for camels. The other option is to complete a giant slide puzzle based on tombs. Derek/Claire, Luis/Michelle and Emily/Molly all choose the puzzle, while Marcus/Michael choose the camel detour.
Michael/Marcus seem to struggle a bit with their detour and wonder if they made the right choice. Meanwhile, Derek/Claire complete the detour and head to the Great Temple for the pit stop.
Luis and Michelle also complete their detours and head to the pit stop.
Everyone else is working on their detours.
Luis and Michelle get to the pit stop first and also win a monetary prize.
Derek and Claire are in second place.
Marcus and Michael are team three, while Abby and Will are team four and Emily and Molly are team five.
The rest of the teams are hard at work on their detours.
Quinton and Mattie are team six.
David and Aubrey struggle, while Linton and Sharik are still falling behind.
Glenda and Lumumba are team seven.
Finally…..Daivd and Aubrey complete their detour challenge and make it to the pit stop as team number eight. They are followed by Linton and Sharik, who are eliminated.
More next week, stay tuned.