Call Me Kat Recap for 10/6/2022: Call Me Skeeter Juice

Call Me Kat Recap for 10/6/2022: Call Me Skeeter Juice

Call Me Kat Recap for 10/6/2022: Call Me Skeeter Juice

What you missed last week:


Ken Jennings being snarky and leaving Kat behind to ignore her story was hysterical—especially when he asked for tequila during said story.


The cat cafe became a juice bar—with NO CATS!!!


Kat surprising them in a UPS box was such a hysterical idea. The reactions from Phil, Carter and Randi were even better.


I am not sure how I feel about all these cafe changes….I liked the cat cafe concept.


Cousin Darren is back! I am hoping he is recurring, I think he is hilarious.


Max as a country singer/songwriter is….different. I’m not sure what I think about this storyline.


Kat making a smoothie mess was so predictable….as was the battle between Kat and Randi, or Mommy and Mommy as Phil called them.


Seeing Max be vulnerable is kind of sweet.


Randi and Kat becoming partners is what makes the most sense.


Season 3, Episode 2


The episode opens with Sheila snarking on Kat’s new glasses, causing the two of them to argue. Things escalate when Kat notices Shelia ran a stop sign. As they continue to argue, Shelia gets pulled over. She plans on flirting her way out of her ticket, much to the horror of Kat. The cop turns out to be a woman, so she insists that Kat flirt with her instead.

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Sheila ends up with a ticket and needs to renew her license. Kat lectures her about driving with an expired license, causing even more fighting.


Later on, Kat shows off her new glasses to Carter and Randi. The girls compliment each other and Carter says he likes where this is going. Randi shuts him down.


Phil comes in with moonshine for everyone to try. As they get ready to drink, Max comes in, saying that one of his songs is going to be in a commercial. Everyone is excited for him and this new job. They all toast and Phil makes a comment that the moonshine was made in the tub he was born in.


Sheila calls and claims that she is being kidnapped by his rideshare. The driver claims that is not the case, but she thinks otherwise.


The next day, everyone tests Sheila for her driving test, which leases to yet another argument between her and Kat, who tries to take her keys. Kat ends up falling and discovers Sheila had the keys on her person all along.


The gang continues to celebrate Max’s new gig. Kat says it will be played during that show with the taco singing La Vida Loca. Randi puts it on live stream as it begins. It turns out it is for dog food….with the dogs barking in time to the song. Carter loves it, but everyone else thinks it is a disaster. Max is devastated and walks outside. Phil pops some champagne, which Kat brings to Max. She tries to make him feel better, but he wants to be alone….until some women come up to hit on him.

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Kat tries to prepare Sheila for her test, but they keep arguing until Sheila admits that she is losing her eyesight. Kat tries to talk to her about it, but Sheila just wants to go to the bar….with Kat driving.


Carter visits Randi to Bridgerton and Chill when Darren calls, worried that Max is having a breakdown since he is drunk and barking. He goes to help Max, who says he is now an internet joke because people are singing his song with their dogs. Carter says people enjoy the song and this is actually a win, but Max is still upset because the song is about wanting to find his dad. He takes him home, but he mostly wants to be with a revved up Randi.


Kat goes to take Sheila to yoga and all her errands. Sheila isn’t sure about it, but Kat says she loves her and she wants to help. They hug it out, but Sheila ruins the moment by saying Kat should get her hair done.


The episode ends with Max doing his own dog performance for social media as everyone waves goodbye.

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