THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS -- Season:12 -- Pictured: Kathy Hilton -- (Photo by: Tommy Garcia/Bravo)
ICYMI: The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Snark and Highlights for 9/21/2022
- The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills picks up with everyone leaving Aspen….without Kathy.
- Wait—they all just LEFT without Kathy?
- This all sounds like Kathy was upset and nobody knew why….but hearing them chat about the aftermath is even more confusing because none of it makes any sort of sense.
- Why the heck is Rinna making this entire thing about her? Even if she did get caught in the crossfire, it still isn’t right for her to make it about herself….let alone insert herself into a fight between sisters.
- As an aside, I keep forgetting that Crystal and I are the same age.
- As fun as Crystal’s party sounds, I have a feeling it is going to end in disaster because of this whole Kathy debacle.
- A Roaring Twenties party sounds AMAZING! Maybe I will do that for my 40th…..or just for fun sometime this decade.
- Portia got so grown up! How is she 13 already? I remember when she was just a baby on the show and Kyle was changing her diapers.
- That chocolate place that Dorit and Erika went to just jumped to the top of my ‘places to visit’ list next time I am in LA.
- Oof, Erika is so angry over Garcelle talking about her on The Real….even though it was on the news and it was, you know, HER JOB to talk about it?
- I guess we are all going to forget about Erika’s drinking problem from earlier this season since she is still drinking? Not shading, but it is concerning.
- Erika’s braided hairstyle makes her look like she is the love child of Princess Leia and the Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate lady.
- Garcelle sounds like me when I have people over–go grab snacks, drinks, help yourself to what’s in my fridge….I wouldn’t be surprised if Garcelle would have made Sharee a meal before they left because she is so sweet.
- Did Sharee just sign her name on Crystal’s gift? That is…..a choice….Who DOES that? Especially without asking?
- I am glad Garcelle wants to not bring up the fact that she talked about Erika on the show and just enjoy Crystal’s birthday.
- It is so nice to see Sutton and Crystal getting along now.
- Rinna claiming she has PTSD…..over what? Kathy having a meltdown? They didn’t air any of it, but what could have been so bad that it could have caused PTSD? Or is Rinna exaggerating again?
- Why is it so shocking that Kathy went to her friend’s birthday party?
- Crystal’s ‘parlor’ looks so nice.
- So, none of the other women seem to be having a problem with Kathy….except Rinna. They are either just ignoring Kathy or just being civil. Also, if things were that bad, wouldn’t Crystal have told Kathy not to come to the party?
- I am glad Sutton and Erika are being civil to one another, but I hope this isn’t another situation where Erika is playing Sutton’s ass.
- I am confused as to how Erika’s Statue of Liberty hat fits in with the 1920s theme….actually, most of the outfits and decor don’t seem to be very 1920s.
- Wow, Dorit is really stirring the shit tonight…..did she really need to bring up The Real episode and then say Garcelle was being fake? Garcelle was doing her job and she did seem concerned about Erika.
- Rinna really isn’t going to let this go, is she? Now she is leaving the party because she is soooo upset over Aspen and Kathy acting problematic….when she screamed, cursed and threatened Sutton earlier in the season. I am curious as to what Kathy did, because again, nothing aired so it is hard to know what to believe.
- It was also rude of Rinna to leave without saying goodbye.
- Kathy is now saying she shared something with Rinna and she listened to her about said topic….so now I am more confused than ever about this issue. Rinna says Kathy had a meltdown, Kathy said she shared something…..my guess is Kathy was upset about something, said something in the heat of the moment and Rinna took it the wrong way.
- Erika is kind of right, everyone should be called out if they are being problematic….but again, no one seems to know what Kathy did! It all just seems like hearsay based on what Rinna said.
- Now Diana says Kathy was raging and not herself in Aspen….and it seems like there was an issue with Kyle since she mentioned not getting in between family.
- Why does Erika insist on calling Rinna Lisa Rinna and not just Rinna or Lisa?
- Again, no one seems to know what happened in Aspen…..yet they are all believing someone who has a reputation of not always telling the truth and/or exaggerating?
- More next week, stay tuned
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