Big Brother 24 Finale Recap for 9/25/2022: Who Won It All?
It has all come down to this….we are at the live finale for Big Brother 24 on CBS. Taylor, Monte and Turner are all competing for the coveted win.
The episode begins with the first HOH competition that will determine who will be in the final HOH. They are all holding onto hot dogs over a makeshift grill and the person who is the last one standing will win.
Taylor is the first one who drops, leaving it all between Monte and Turner.
Turner wins! Now Taylor and Monte will compete in the second competition.
Competition two has Monte and Taylor put the veto competitions in chronological order while ziplining. This is interesting to watch to say the least. As always, the one who does it in the fastest time wins.
Monte wins and will compete against Turner in the final HOH.
The jury meets with Dr. Will Kirby to discuss the gameplay of the final three. It seems as if they are unsure about Turner but seem to like Taylor’s gameplay and ability to move with love. Only Brittany seems to have a problem with her gameplay. They also are impressed with Monte having never been on the block and how toward the end, his position in the house improved.
The final competition for HOH! Turner and Monte watch several videos and answer questions based on them. It is a VERY close game, but Monte wins!
Now Monte will have to choose between Turner and Taylor for his final two. He chooses Taylor, which puts Turner in the jury and third place. Taylor is in tears as Monte holds her close.
Turner tells Julie that he is shocked, but not mad over this turn of events. He thinks that despite the final two deal, Monte made the right decision by keeping Taylor. He also talks about how he wishes he would have thrown a comp or two in order to be less threatening to the jurors.
The jurors are all together and welcome Turner to the group. They now must ask the final two three questions.
Question 1 for Monte: Most pivotal moment other than evicting Michael?
Answer….evicting Turner.
Question 2 for Taylor: Did she adapt her game to improve her position in her house?
Answer… yes and she explains how she was always herself and eventually able to play the game how she wanted.
Question 3 for Monte: Biggest blunder?
Answer….not protecting Michael and Brittany as much as he should have.
Question 4 for Taylor: What was her biggest move?
Answer…Protecting the girls while in the Leftovers.
Question 5 for Monte: What was his most deliberate risk? Answer….protecting Michael and Brittany during Festie Bestie.
Question 6 for Taylor: How is she not a weak player since she was on the block five times?
Answer…building her relationships and remaining strong throughout the game.
Bonus question for Monte: Why should Turner get his vote since he broke their final two promise?
Answer…..He knew Turner had other final two plans and went with what was a priority.
Now it is time for Monte and Taylor to make their final appeal speeches to the jury.
After everyone votes, Joseph finally tells the truth about the Dire Fest debacle, which leads to Taylor making a date with him for cocktails?
Michael finally admits to being a lawyer. Brittany is hurt by this, but understands he was playing a game.
Joseph also admits that he is a lawyer in addition to being a personal trainer.
Ameerah admits that she was surprised, but happy about the Monte/Taylor showmance…..and they both are cagey about what is happening at this point.
Alyssa and Kyle are hopeful that things work out with their showmance in the real world.
Pooch admits that he made a lot of mistakes in his game.
Turner admits to eating Jasmine’s muffin in the DR.
Jury results!
Jasmine, Joseph and Indy also voted for Taylor, making it an 8-1 win!
America’s Favorite Player is…..TAYLOR!!!!! Wow, our girl made history tonight by winning BOTH the game and AFP! Get it, girl!
Michael and Kyle were in the top three as well.
Monte wins $75,000 for coming in second place!
More next season, stay tuned!