America’s Got Talent Recap for 9/7/2022

America's Got Talent Recap for 9/7/2022

America’s Got Talent Recap for 9/7/2022

Tonight is the last America’s Got Talent results show before the finale. Two acts will move on and then America will vote for the eleventh act to join the already chosen acts.


Aubrey Burchell, Kristen Cruz and Travis Japan are on the stage first. Kristen moves on, the other two are eliminated.


Blade 2 Blade, Shu Takada and Kristy Sellars are next to find out their fate. Kristy moves on, the other two are eliminated.


Max Ostler and Urban Crew are up next. Urban Crew moves on, Max goes home.


Mayyas, Mervant Vera and Jordan Conley are next on stage. Mayyas and Mervant move on, Jordan goes home.


Top three!  Kristy, Mayyas and Mervant.


Top two! Kristy and Mayyas.


Simon introduces a performance from a musical called & Juliet. It is an interesting performance and am curious to see more.


Wildcard time! America will vote on which one of these acts will move to the finals.


Simon–Players Choir

Sofia–Celia Munoz

Heidi–Lily Meola

Howie– Don McMillan


America has voted and Celia is in the finals!


Finale next week, stay tuned!

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