America's Got Talent Recap for 9/13/2022

America’s Got Talent Recap for 9/13/2022

America’s Got Talent Recap for 9/13/2022

Act 1: Kristy Sellars (Pole dancer): The shadow mimicking her dancing and then going into its own dance is an interesting touch. I also love the message and symbolism behind the performance and how it is telling us all to overcome and never give up.


The judges are blown away by how well she did and think she is one of the best.


Act 2: Nicholas Ribs (magician): He made a picture come to life….and made parts of it appear and disappear…into a bouquet of roses, the leaves and butterflies….how he did this, I have no idea, but it is so beautiful to watch…the best part of it? Hit is dedicated to his daughter and based on a picture she drew.


The judges LOVE him and the story he told.


Act 3: Chapel Hart (music group/group Golden Buzzer): They are amazing and powerful with their singing….I can see them making it big soon–I have a strong feeling that they will be taking Nashville by storm.


The judges think the vocals are a bit off, but think they did a good job overall.


Act 4: Mike E. Winfield (Comedian): He jokes about kids and life….he would fit in with the Blue Collar guys with this kind of humor.


The judges loved hearing about his family and think it was a good set.


Act 5: Metaphysic (Impressionists): They do an Elvis impersonation with Simon, Heidi and Sofia as backup singers. It Is actually quite entertaining and they are spot on with Elvis’s voice.

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The judges love it….Heidi even calls it her favorite act of the night.


Act 6: Mayyas (Dance act/Sofia’s Golden Buzzer): It is so incredible how so many dancers can stay in sync and put on such a mind blowing performance—yet here we are. WOW. That was such a beautiful performance.


The judges think this is one of the best things to happen on the show.


Act 7: Avery Dixon (Saxophonist/Terry’s Golden Buzzer): WHOA….this is so amazingly wonderful. I am not usually a fan of jazz, but this may have turned me into a fan. He is just that good and charismatic.


The judges think it was a brilliant performance.


Act 8: Celia Munoz (Ventriloquist/Wildcard): She is dressed in a fortune teller act as she sings, drinks and gets phone calls….it is quite interesting to watch…especially at the end when she is able to blow smoke out of her mouth.

The judges think she is a rare talent.


Act 9: Sara James (Singer/Simon’s Golden Buzzer): She sings Running Up The Hill from Stranger Things and all I can say is that she is the next Whitney Houston. WOW.


The judges are amazed by how she nailed such an iconic song.


Act 10: Yu Hojin (magician): The entire message about this was to live your dreams…..he did just that and the fact that he was able to create the Statue of Liberty–the icon for the American Dream brought it all together in such an amazing way.


The judges think he nailed it and Howie even said he was his favorite magician.

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Act 11: Drake Milligan (singer): What a way to end the night! He is going places, I am sure of it!


The judges also love him!


Winner announced tomorrow, stay tuned!


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