Only Murders in the Building Recap for I Know Who Did It

Only Murders in the Building Recap for I Know Who Did It

Only Murders in the Building Recap for I Know Who Did It

The season finale of Only Murders in the Building opens with Poppy talking about her previous life as Becky Butler. She was a lonely young woman who took care of her abusive father and worked for the mayor, who objectified her. She was a fan of Cinda’s podcast, which covered another missing persons case. This led to her staging her own disappearance, which led to Cinda’s podcast about Becky disappearing.


As Becky’s missing person’s case is covered, she goes to visit Cinda as Poppy in order to make the All Is Not OK in Oklahoma podcast happen. Cinda is condescending toward her, but gives her a job anyway.


Cinda does the podcast and treats Poppy like dirt during and after the Becky Butler case is covered. She wants another case to cover, so Poppy suggests Rose Cooper’s disappearance. Cinda is not happy about it and says she will do it all on her own.


Mabel, Charles and Oliver discuss how Cinda framed them and come up with ideas on how to prove it. They go through their evidence and decide to contact Detective Williams for help. They also know they need to find a way to get Cinda to unravel (with hilarious moments trying to make an unraveling analogy) and think Poppy is their best bet for help.


The trio meet with Poppy at the diner and ask her how to get Cinda to crumble and confess. Poppy doesn’t think this will happen, so they decide to figure out what disturbs her. Poppy says she hates the inside of tomatoes and slow motion.

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Ivan comes to take their order when Cinda calls Poppy. She orders a liverwurst and marmalade sandwich to go, which everyone else finds gross. Ivan says it was made in honor of the owner’s sister since it was her favorite. He joked that Bunny called it freak food. As he goes to help another customer, Mabel gets a call from Detective Williams. She goes to take it and Oliver wonders if Ivan took their order. Charles tells him to focus.


Mabel comes back and says she thinks she knows what 14 Savage means.


Uma, Jonathan, Howard, Ursula, Lester,Marv and several others are gathered for a murder reveal party. They are all confused and Uma is annoyed by Mrs. Gambalini being there.


The trio arrives and tells them their plan to reveal Bunny’s killer. Oliver asks if any of them have theatre experience. Jonathan and Howard talk about their experiences and Lester talks about his own work and how he was a Julliard graduate. He admits he stopped getting work, developed a drinking problem and was homeless until the was hired at the Arconia.


Uma is wondering where the cake she was promised is and Oliver promises her it will be there soon.


Cinda and Poppy arrive for the reveal and begin recording everything. She still thinks they are the killers and it all begins.


Charles describes Bunny’s last day, with the help of Mrs. Gambalini. Oliver and Mabel join in, adding the rest of the details with the visit she got, the secret passages and how she was killed.


Charles then says that Cinda is the killer and got help from Detective Kreps. Oliver says that there was sexual tension between them, but this is a family murder podcast–so that is all he will say.

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Cinda denies everything, but Lester laces into her, saying she killed his best friend. Howard randomly begins singing the score from Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat.


Cinda is still in denial, so everyone acts in slow motion to scare her. When she begins freaking out, they amp it up with the inside of tomatoes. She still won’t admit it and Mabel reveals she is correct and says that Alice killed Bunny. She claims that this was all done for Alice’s art career and says that she is the one who asked for Bunny’s painting. She even proves that she is a liar by showing off the Son of Sam card.


Alice goes to stab Mabel, but gets Charles instead. Everyone freaks out as Uma calls 911.

Mabel and Oliver are in tears, while Cinda hopes it was all recorded by Poppy.


Cinda comforts and compliments Mabel on her hard work, saying she can have her own podcast. This causes Poppy to freak out about this and how she does everything for Cinda. As she talks, she begins sneezing.


Mabel asks her how she knew about Rose Cooper, while Oliver questions if she is allergic to Mrs. Gambalini. Poppy makes a comment about the girl in the wall, which seals the fact that she is the killer. She confesses to everything, including the texts, trying to get the painting and how Mabel wasn’t supposed to return to her apartment.


Mabel then says they knew everything, thanks to the DNA tested by Detective Williams, the 14 Sandwich (Poppy’s lunch order) and then….Charles pops up, alive and well!

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Poppy is arrested, along with Detective Kreps. Charles talks about how it all went down on the podcast…..and how the whole time Poppy was in cahoots with Kreps. Cinda also talks about it in her own podcast.


Charles is back filming Brazzos without the dementia and wheelchair. He gets congratulated by Joy and they make a date.


Mabel renovates the apartment with Alice’s help—including painting over the mural.


Oliver talks to Will about the real DNA results and they share a tender moment. He also decided to keep Mrs. Gambalini.


Oliver then gets a call, offering him a huge Broadway producing job.


The opening night for Oliver is one year later, with a nasty man as the lead. He wants his costar to apologize, but Oliver tells him to use his anger in the acting. He goes off on stage, coughing the entire time.


The actor, whose name is Ben,  is joined on stage by his costar–CHARLES. They fight beforehand, with Charles telling Ben to leave ‘her’ alone and he knows what he did.


Oliver joins Mabel, Lucy and Joy in the audience as the play begins. Ben begins his monologue and collapses. Everyone freaks out and Mabel screams ‘you have to be f**king kidding me!’ as the episode and season come to a close.



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