THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF BEVERLY HILLS -- Pictured: "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Key Art -- (Photo by: Bravo Media)
ICYMI: The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Snark and Highlights for 8/10/2022
- PK saying his teeth aren’t lucky because he got a DUI is….disturbing.
- I am glad Dorit is doing charity work for Homeless Not Toothless and got her own dentist involved to help.
- This is a kitchen sink outfit….that made me laugh way too hard.
- Crystal looks really pretty in this scene with Sutton at the store.
- Seeing Crystal break down and talk about her eating disorder is so heartbreaking, but by talking about it, she can help so many people.
- There is something so cute and sweet about Asher and Diana.
- Stretch coach sounds like a job title they would use on The Bachelor franchise.
- And I dazzle….and I stretch…..::sung and danced like Shawn Spencer::
- Ladies, Dongs Unlimited is a whole different kind of website/business.
- Erika seems to be in such denial about her drinking…..I truly hope she is going to be okay.
- I actually think the black on black with a gold tie would look amazing.
- The black and gold party looks more like a high school prom or a Pittsburgh Steelers appreciation banquet.
- Dwight is a former friend of Ken and LVP, just in case that wasn’t clear.
- The Mauricio/PK bromance is such goals. Between the belt gift and the best dressed vote, I am howling!
- Of course Kyle is bringing up the Sutton/Rinna debacle at dinner….I am glad Sutton tried to shut it down….but Kyle keeps asking everyone what happened.
- ‘Rinna, I wasn’t even there, but I know you said the word fuck.’ Mauricio is always on point.
- A public apology? Why doesn’t Rinna just make Sutton hire a blimp and write it in the sky and then make an apology in blood?
- Melissa Ethridge! I loved her music growing up.
- Garcelle is right, Melissa probably heard everything and it is not a good look.
- ‘You can continue arguing now!’ PK is hysterical.
- Rinna crying like this….her breakdown….I can’t even imagine….
- More next week, stay tuned.
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