Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/7/2022: HOH, Nominations and Muffingate

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/7/2022: HOH, Nominations and Muffingate

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/7/2022: HOH, Nominations and Muffingate

Big Brother 24 on CBS opens with Daniel ranting and raving to everyone in the house about the act that Nicole went home. He goes off on everyone, which more or less annoys everyone in the house. Monte tries to calm him town, but he won’t be quiet over it, blaming them for this turn of events….even though HE is the one who put Nicole and Taylor on the block in the first place.


HOH time! They all must walk across balance beams in the quickest amount of time.


It is actually quite a quick (but close!) competition, which Michael ends up winning.


Now Michael must decide who to put on the block. He wants Daniel out, but also wonders if the should backdoor him and use Terrance/Joseph/Monte or Turner/Jasmine as pawns.


Indy is complaining about Taylor being her bestie.


Joseph and Monte think it might be a good idea for them to go on the block with Terrance to throw everyone off about the Leftovers alliance and worst case scenario, send Terrance home.


Jasmine spends a good five minutes complaining about someone eating her muffins—and it turns out Turner is the culprit. He snarks that it may be the most expensive muffin he ate, but well worth it!


Turner is now willing to go on the block to get rid of Jasmine. Now Michael has a big decision to make. He also likes the idea of the previous trio telling him they would go up because he also wouldn’t mind getting rid of Monte.

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Kyle and Alyssa determine that they are in a showmance and almost get caught by Jasmine, who is still wondering who ate her muffin.


Daniel tries to talk to Michael, hoping to convince him to save him for one more week. Michael now wonders if keeping him will be best for his game in the long run.


Nomination time! Monte, Terrance and Joseph are on the block, with Michael saying he likes a challenge.


More Wednesday, stay tuned!


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