Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/31/2022: Who Won POV?

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/31/2022: Who Won POV?

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/31/2022: Who Won POV?


Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 24 on CBS picks up where we left off with the nomination ceremony. Turner admits that Michael is his actual target, while Brittany and Taylor are upset because they were put on the block.


Monte thinks Taylor’s tears means she is guilty of what Joseph said about the final four is true. Kyle is happy because he thinks he is safe due to his two alliances.


Brittany tells Turner she never talked to Joseph about a final three deal. Later on, Turner tells Taylor Joseph really said she was a part of the deal.


Turner later apologizes to Michael for putting his friends on the block. Michael plays it cool and says he glad he is not on the block, not realizing he could be backdoored.


Kyle tells Monte he told Turner and Alyssa everything about the Leftovers. Monte is upset and realizes that Kyle can no longer be trusted. He talks to Taylor about this and promises to take her off the block if she chooses him for POV.


Kyle also talks to Michael, who is suspicious of him because of his behavior. Michael goes to talk to Brittany and they decide that they want Michael to be picked to play in the POV so he can shake things up.


POV time. Turner, Brittany, Taylor, Alyssa, Monte and Michael all play. Turner is not happy because he knows Michael is a beast in competitions.

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The competition is a slip and slide where they transport wine from one side of the yard to the other. The first one to fill up their canister wins.


Michael wins! Not only does he get POV, but he and three houseguests get to see an advanced screening of the movie Bros. He chooses Alyssa, Turner and Taylor.


Brittany and Michael wonder if they should let Taylor and Monte know about Kyle’s problematic statements and behavior. They end up telling them, leaving Taylor shaking and in tears and Monte very hurt. Out of respect for them, I won’t repeat it because there is no reason for them to relive those horrible moments.


The rest of the house is notified about what Kyle has been staying. This leaves the houseguests shocked and upset, with Turner considering backdooring Kyle now…..even though he thinks it is a bit too convenient that it is coming out now.


Kyle thinks everyone is twisting his words….and tomorrow we will see how it all ends.

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