Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/3/2022

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/3/2022

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/3/2022


CBS’s Big Brother 24 opens with the aftermath from the nomination ceremony. Indy and Alyssa are upset, but at this point have no idea the plan is to backdoor Nicole.  However, this also means putting Taylor on the block since she is Nicole’s ‘Bestie.’


Michael wants another alliance within the Leftovers and decides to make a final three deal with Brittany and Taylor. They agree this is a good idea and Michael thinks that this can work in his favor.


Monte lets Daniel believe that Taylor is the target again. Daniel loves this idea, even though it means putting his final two Nicole on the block. The Leftovers think this is a brilliant plan and love that Daniel doesn’t realize is is getting his final two out of the house.


Kyle is torn between his alliance and his growing feelings for Alyssa. He thinks that she has a boyfriend back home, but cannot resist how he feels. Alyssa, for her part, is upset with Kyle for lying to her about Ameerah.


Daniel and Kyle join Alyssa and Indy and Terrance, Monte and Joseph are playing. Whomever wins gets to decide what to do with the power, but it only takes one to make the final decision.


The Leftovers are torn on what to do with the POV should one of them win. Brittany doesn’t want the POV to be used because she thinks they can convince whichever one stays to join their Bestie group and then vote them out since it would be easier to  get rid of people outside the alliance. She doesn’t take into account that she and Michael could send home a Leftover by being on the block together–since they are both Leftovers.

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POV time! One partner watches a psychedelic video and then describe what they saw to their partner. The partner will then answer questions based on what they were told.


Kyle and Daniel win! At first, Kyle wants to take Alyssa off the block and put up Nicole, but Daniel vetoes this idea. There is a lot of back and forth between people in the house, but the plan is to go after Alyssa.


However, things change when Monte brings this up to Nicole. She thinks he is playing her, but that she also has the numbers to stay in the game.


Daniel now wants to use the POV to put up Nicole and Taylor so that he can finally get Taylor out of the house. Kyle likes this idea because now he can rescue his lady without going against the alliance.


At the veto meeting, Indy and Alyssa are of the block, Taylor and Nicole are up. Nicole thinks she is safe, while Taylor pretends to be upset about this turn of events.


Eviction tomorrow, stay tuned.

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