Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/24/2022: A Double POV
Tonight is double POV night on CBS’s Big Brother 24. Big Brochella and DyreFest will both compete for the Golden POV.
Before we get to all that, Terrance starts covering his actions in the nomination ceremony. He tells Joseph Kyle is the target and tells Turner about how he exposed his own game.
Turner, Kyle and Alyssa decide to form an alliance and help get rid of Joseph and throw him under the bus when everyone is reunited.
Inside the house, Michael is thrilled with the new turn of events.
POV 1: Tiffany from last year’s Cookout Alliance is hosting the competition for Big Brochella. They are shown pictures and have to count items.
Taylor is eliminated first, followed by Monte, Michael, Jasmine and Brittany—giving Brittany the win.
Jasmine is now doing damage control in order to save herself. She talks to Brittany about targeting Monte.
The inside Leftovers think they have an easy week, but worry about what is happening inside.
Kyle spills everything about the Leftovers to Alyssa and promises to stand by her for the rest of the game. He also tells her that he might become the house pariah because of this move.
POV 2: They need to transfer 50 to-go containers without dropping them. Kyle and Joseph seem to want to throw the competition.
Terrance wins!
Joseph wants Alyssa to be the replacement nominee, but Kyle is trying to convince Terrance otherwise so they can get into their alliance with Brittany and Michael.
Joseph finds out that Kyle spilled the beans about the Leftovers to Terrance. He is shocked and upset over this turn of events, while Terrance uses it to his advantage.
POV Ceremony 1: Brittany does not use the POV
POV Ceremony 2: Turner is taken off the block, Kyle is up.
Eviction tomorrow, stay tuned!