Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/11/2022: Did Kyle or Daniel Get Evicted

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/11/2022: Did Kyle or Daniel Get Evicted

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/11/2022: Did Kyle or Daniel Get Evicted

The latest episode of CBS’s Big Brother 24 picks up right where we left off after the veto meeting. Daniel claims he knows about the alliance, calling them the ‘Sorry 6.’ He says he knows Kyle is involved and won’t do anything to help him at this point.


Later on, Alyssa dances, Muffingate continues and now there is a cidergate…..what fun.


Kyle finds out Alyssa wanted to help leave the noms the same….so he thinks it is too hard to protect her at this point. It looks like the showmance is on pause.


Daniel is sick of all the pushovers in the house. He tries to break up the showmance to get Alyssa to evict Kyle and stay in the house. He also thinks he can convince others, including Jasmine, Terrance, Indy and Joseph to also evict Kyle. He exposes the alliance to Alyssa and then talks to Jasmine and Joseph.


Joseph wonders what to do since Daniel spilled so much tea. He wonders if he should vote to evict Kyle after all in order to protect himself.


Eviction time. Each guy gives his speech with Daniel being a bit,um, interesting.


In a 8-1 vote, Daniel is evicted from the Big Brother household. Terrance is the only one who voted for Kyle to be evicted.


Daniel bolts and only hugs Terrance goodbye. During his interview, he continues to defend his actions. He also explains his behavior against Taylor was both personal and for the game.

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After some savage goodbye videos, it is time to get down to the house business.


The Festie Bestie twist is over. Everyone also at least made it to jury.


HOH comp! They all must hold onto a wall wearing tin hats.


The twists are that the house will be divided and the groups will have no interaction. There will be two separate games and a double eviction.


More Sunday, stay tuned.


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