Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/10/22: Was the POV Used?

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/10/22: Was the POV Used?

Big Brother 24 Recap for 8/10/22: Was the POV Used?

Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 24 on CBS opens with the aftermath of the nomination ceremony.


Monte thinks that he and Joseph will be safe this week, thanks to the Leftovers alliance. Daniel wants to keep the nominations the same so they can keep the nominations the same this week, something that he discusses with Terrance. They agree that Monte is their biggest threat.


Jasmine is still questioning people over Muffingate…Terrance tells her Turner is responsible for eating her muffin and she goes to question him about it….however, this only serves to annoy him.


Kyle tells Michael he is confused about sending Daniel home and is also worried he can get blindsided if they are both on the block. He also feels as if he is torn between Alyssa and his alliance.


Jasmine and Turner join Michael, Brittany, Monte, Turner and Joesph in the veto competition.


Before we get to the comp. Terrance and Daniel continue to discuss how they want Monte out of the house. The plan is for Terrance to throw the comp so Michael will keep the nominations the same.


POV Time! OTEV is back! The contestants must search for clues around the yard that answer questions about the season.

Brittany, Jasmine and Turner are eliminated in this round.


Second round eliminates Joseph and Monte.

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Terrance throws the competition for Michael to win, telling him he will explain why he is doing this later.


Terrance talks to Jasmine to get her on his side to get rid of Monte. She agrees the nominations should stay the same. She shares this idea with Alyssa and Indy, who also agree this is a good idea.


However, with everyone telling Michael about this idea, he begins to wonder if something else is going on. He talks to Brittany and Turner about this. They decide this will NOT benefit their alliance and tell Monte what is being said about him.


POV meeting! Daniel and Kyle are the replacement noms. Terrance and Daniel think that Michael was too chicken to make a big move.


Eviction tomorrow, stay tuned!


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