The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip Ex-Wives Club Snark and Highlights for 7/7/2022

The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip Ex-Wives Club Snark and Highlights for 7/7/2022

The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip Ex-Wives Club Snark and Highlights for 7/7/2022

  • Jill is disengaging from the Dorinda drama, but still thinks she is nuts.
  • This day with a hot air balloon ride, dinner and relaxation sounds like something I need now.
  • I understand Brandi being afraid of heights….and being paranoid by news stories.
  • Is Dorinda going on the balloon ride in her pajamas?
  • The frog peeing on Dorinda and Jill calling it karma made me laugh more than it should have.
  • Jill was joking about being on the bed….Dorinda needs to let it go!
  • Phaedra changing her wig in the middle of the fight is such a mood.
  • Taylor worrying that someone will tip the boat or drop their phone is something I would worry about as well.
  • Eva is being really sweet about Radiogate. She is right, nobody can hear what is being said due to the headphones and it should not be a big deal.
  • They are not going to let this whole issue go, are they?
  • Okay, seeing Dorinda come to Eva’s nail rescue was kind of cute.
  • This day drinking outing went well—without a fight? It’s a Festivus miracle!
  • Jill got flowers from her boyfriend…,that is so sweet! There is also an apple in the bouquet, which is even cuter.
  • I am low key crushing on Marco, he seems so sweet.
  • Jill wanting to be a friend of makes so much sense. Just show up, be with friends and avoid a lot of the drama.
  • The Red Lion Inn seems like an awesome place to eat and hang out.
  • Of course Brandi would bring up an inappropriate topic at dinner….for no apparent reason.
  • It takes two to tango, we don’t need any extra ingredients….OMG Phaedra is my spirit animal!
  • What is wrong with taking naps?
  • I’m a positive bitch! I like that line!
  • I need to watch RHONY again because I forgot all this happened with Dorinda and Ramona.
  • Why are these women fighting? None of it makes sense whatsoever.
  • Why is Taylor bringing up Adrianne’s surrogate story? It seems so random.
  • Wait….Adrianne and Brandi are close friends now?
  • I get Taylor having pent up anger at Brandi….but this isn’t the time or place to bring it up.
  • A cinnamon stick in hot water on top of the building….’SPLAIN IT LUCY!
  • This fight makes no sense, but the CRITICS CHOICE AWARDS WERE MENTIONED!
  • I do not understand this fight at all.
  • Why did Dorinda bring up the possibility of Brandi’s son dying?
  • I don’t blame Brandi for leaving….but shocked she didn’t fight Dorinda then and there. Jill and Phaedra were so kind to be there for her.
  • Phaedra making jokes and helping calm Brandi down was the best….especially since she even made the random bartender dude laugh.
  • More next week, stay tuned!
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