ICYMI: The Real Housewives of Dubai Snark and Highlights for 7/6/2022

ICYMI: The Real Housewives of Dubai Snark and Highlights for 7/6/2022

ICYMI: The Real Housewives of Dubai Snark and Highlights for 7/6/2022

  • Phadera from RHOA is visiting Caroline B. She is just as fun and snarky as ever!
  • I had no idea the two of them were friends and hope we see more of them together.
  • That cat looks just like my Benson.
  • Lesa’s kids are adorable. Seeing them with the goat is so cute, especially when it is time to send her home.
  • Jesus, I may be poisoned….OMG, Ayan is hilarious!
  • Maybe Caroline S and Sergio should have discussed babies before, you know, AGREEING TO GET MARRIED!
  • My USA passport says I am 40, my Kenyan passport says I am 35, I feel 17 and my vagina feels 12. Okay, so are we going to average out these numbers to get her actual age? According to my calculations, that would make her 26.
  • Are these women sage-ing their vaginas? WTF am I watching? What is happening?
  • You love corn! It makes you fart! Poor kid is embarrassed by that revelation.
  • Sara’s baby pictures are adorable.
  • Hearing about Nina coming to America is so incredible…she had a tough life in Lebanon and her family moved to have a better life.
  • Mama drama papanama…..::tosses corn:: I love the kiddos on this show.
  • So…..this party is going to be ruined by Caroline S drama, right?
  • Phaedra is a good Friend Of addition on this episode.
  • Ayan is gifted that crystal dress for her birthday? I need to become friends with this person so I can have one too! JK, but that is a generous gift.
  • Ayan and her son having birthdays so close is sweet, but she should also have let him have his own friends at their party.
  • Caroline S is really crappy to Sergio.
  • At least the party was relatively unproblematic?
  • More next week, stay tuned.
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