Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/31/2022: A New HOH is Crowned

Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/31/2022: A New HOH is Crowned

Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/31/2022: A New HOH is Crowned

It’s another HOH competition on CBS’s Big Brother 24. When we last left our houseguests, Jasmine, Brittany and Terrance all had red invitations. Five more houseguests need to find their own in order to move to the next round of competition.

Monte, Daniel and Joseph also find red invitations, followed by Nicole and Alyssa.

Part two of the competition has them pushing three wine goblets filled with ‘blood’ across a table. The further they go, the more points they get.

Each of the eight take their turn, but in the end, it is Monte who wins, giving the Leftovers a major victory.

Nicole, Alyssa, Daniel and Indy are all upset about the turn of events and wonder how Ameerah got voted out of the house. They all feel blindsided, especially Alyssa, who thinks Kyle isn’t as into her as she thought.

Jasmine continues to go on about how she thinks Taylor is behind it all and of course wants her gone.

Monte and Joseph (in an earlier conversation) discuss how they want Terrance to join their bestie group….so they can get rid of him if they are on the block.

Alyssa tells Joseph she is upset over this turn of events and mentions she has her ‘person’ back home. Joseph, for his part, tells Kyle, in case he might be considering a showmance with Alyssa. Kyle is upset, but continues to flirt with Alyssa. He even apologizes for not telling her about voting Ameerah out and claims he is his closest friend in the house. She isn’t sure she can believe him anymore.

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Monte shows off his HOH room and allows people to stay for a bit. Once the non-Leftovers leave, there is a dance party!

As of now, Monte wants to target Daniel and Nicole, but that would mean Kyle and Taylor would have to go on the block. Taylor asks not to go on the block so someone else can get a taste of their own medicine.

Later on, Alyssa and Indy talk to Monte about being on the block. He tells them he is getting a feel of what he should do and says he is considering putting them on the block as pawns. Alyssa seems okay with it, while Indy is upset over it.

Monte talks to Nicole and Taylor next. He doesn’t want to put Taylor on the block, so he makes it seem like they are safe, pleasing Nicole. He privately promises Taylor he will respect her and not put her on the block if it makes her uncomfortable. He wants to make sure she can trust him going forward. Taylor says she is no longer risking her own safety for everyone else.

Nomination ceremony! Alyssa and Indy are on the block, with Alyssa as the target. However, Monte tells them that they are not the actual targets. He does say that if Taylor lets him, he will backdoor Nicole.

More Wednesday, stay tuned!

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