Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/24/2022: Eviction HOH and Nominations Oh MY!

Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/24/2022: Eviction HOH and Nominations Oh MY!

Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/24/2022: Eviction HOH and Nominations Oh MY!

This week’s episode of CBS’s Big Brother 24 kicks off with the episode that was preempted on Thursday. We will not only find out who will get evicted, but we will also see who won HOH and who is on the block.


The episode itself opens right where we left off with the POV ceremony, Michael says he kept everything the same to keep Pooch from questioning things. Everyone else knows Pooch feels safe, but plan on evicting hom.


Kyle and Alyssa seem to be forming a connection, however, they both seem hesitant on entering a showmance, particularly Kyle.


Turner entertains everyone in the house with his special Turner facts.


Joseph seems to be in the dark about the plan to get rid of Pooch. Kyle wants to tell him, but is afraid of exposing his alliance.


Alyssa wants Taylor to win HOH next week so the guys can be targeted….upsetting Kyle.He had no idea the girls were in an alliance.


Despite Pooch being a target, Monte is still on the fence because he isn’t sure that Taylor can be trusted, especially when he finds out he may be the target if she wins HOH

. Meanwhile, Ameerah thinks she can be beneficial to the game despite not being in the girls’ alliance.


Nicole tells Monte that if Pooch stays, she and Ameerah are at risk for going on the block. She thinks the women are strong together and can take power in the house.

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Eviction time! Pooch and Taylor give their final pleas before everyone votes.


In a unanimous vote, Pooch is out of the Big Brother household. He talks to Julie and says while it was stupid to go on the block, he has no idea how this happened. Julie tells him it was the work of the girls’ alliance.


Pooch watches his goodbye videos and then leaves.


Julie tells the remaining houseguests that there will be a Besties Twist. Houseguests will be paired up for the week, with the HOH winner’s partner being safe for the week. The nominees this week will be a pair that will be broken up on eviction night.


The HOH competition will be played in rounds. It is a musical chairs style game where they will have to turn on a sensor. The last one in each round is eliminated and will have to choose a bestie or wait to be chosen. The last one standing wins and will be partnered with the last one without a bestie.


Terrance, Brittany, Michael, Joseph, Taylor, Monte, Nicole, Indy, Daniel, Kyle, Alyssa and  Ameerah are eliminated in that order.


Turner wins HOH! The pairs are as follows:


  • Turner & Jasmine
  • Joseph & Monte
  • Daniel & Kyle
  • Indy & Alyssa
  • Michael & Brittany
  • Ameerah & Terrance
  • Nicole & Taylor


Turner gets a letter from his girlfriend, which brings him to tears.


Jasmine chooses Alyssa and Indy as Have Nots because—Turner made her choose.


There is a lot of talk with Turner and the houseguests about who to put on the block. In the end, it is Michael and Brittany who are at risk for being evicted Thursday.

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More Wednesday, stay tuned!!

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