Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/17/2022: The New HOH Is…..
Tonight’s episode of Big Brother 24 on CBS opens with flashbacks from the previous week, which includes Ameerah trying to recruit Nicole into her alliance and feeling very confident about her place in the house.
Jasmine comes back into the house with an injured ankle and crutches. She is determined to continue her fight for HOH.
Taylor and Alyssa seem to make peace with one another and have each other’s backs for now.
HOH competition!
The competitors must answer True or False questions by digging the letters T or F out of a pie—pie eating contest style. The first four to answer move on, then the first three and so on.
After four rounds, Jasmine wins HOH.
Everyone is thrilled about Jasmine’s win and wonder what will happen next.
The Aftermath
Nicole fills Daniel in on who should be added to their alliance and reminds him of their final two deal.
Pooch volunteers himself to go on the block as a pawn, which Alyssa thinks is a bad idea. However, he is convincing everyone that he could win POV or they could take him off and backdoor Taylor. Little does he know he made himself the new target with this move.
There is a random segment with Pooch and Indy where she explains sex coaching.
While it seems like Pooch is the target, Jasmine also wants to see Taylor out of the house. She tells each one they are the pawn, but neither one knows she told the other this…in fact, she doesn’t even know who the pawn is yet!
Nomination ceremony!
Pooch and Taylor are on the block. Jasmine still wants them both gone, while Pooch feels safe and Taylor says she is the queen about to get what is hers.
More Wednesday, stay tuned.