Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/14/2022: A Shocking Twist

Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/14/2022: A Shocking Twist

Big Brother 24 Recap for 7/14/2022: A Shocking Twist

*Note: Due to the events of the past two days, we will not be covering the Live Feeds from yesterday and today. We will resume with Friday’s feeds*

Tonight is the first eviction of CBS’s Big Brother 24. Rumors have been circulating all day about Paloma exiting due to a self eviction or being asked to leave by production. Nothing is certain as of yet, but we are about to find out the truth.


Julie Chen Moonves says that things have changed in terms of the Backstage Twist due to changes in the house.


Before we get to that, we get to the aftermath of the renom. Taylor is very upset and talks to Paloma, who seems to have had a change of heart toward her former foe. Taylor, for her part, is cautious.


Taylor continues to talk to the other houseguests, but it seems like there is not much that can change their minds about her being evicted. She realize there was a misunderstanding at some point, and tries to talk to Paloma again….only this time, it seems as if things are back to how they were in the beginning.


Elsewhere in the house, it seems as if the Girls’ Girls alliance is cracking and they want to explore her options in the house.


Brittany is freaking out about the Backstage Twist so she tries to find ways to stay by talking about things that are going on with other players. This ultimately backfires and makes her a target.

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Paloma seems to be having a breakdown. Out of respect for her, I will NOT be recapping what was shown. I will only say that I truly, truly hope she is okay.


Daniel calls everyone into the living room to tell them that Paloma has withdrawn from the show. Everyone is heartbroken and say a prayer for her and her wellness.


Julie says Brittany won America’s Backstage Twist vote, but with Paloma gone, everything has changed. The twist would have been a battle between one of the noms and one the Backstage Twist people. The loser of this would have gone home.


Now that Paloma is gone, Alyssa, Brittany, Terrance and Taylor are ALL safe and no one is evicted.


HOH comp! It is an obstacle course where pairs go head to head until there is one person standing. Daniel is outgoing HOH so he will not compete.

Michael vs. Pooch: Michael wins.

Taylor vs. Alyssa: Taylor wins

Indy vs. Joseph: Joseph wins

Brittany vs. Ameerah: Ameerah wins

Terrance vs. Jasmine: Jasmine wins…..even though she is hurt.

Turner vs. Kyle: Kyle wins

Monte vs. Nicole: Monte wins


The competition will continue Sunday, stay tuned!

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