Big Brother 24 Live Feeds: What You Missed This Weekend

Big Brother 24 Live Feeds: What You Missed This Weekend

Big Brother 24 Live Feeds: What You Missed This Weekend

WARNING: All feed updates contain spoilers. Everything was obtained via Paramount Plus and Big Brother Network. Everything is summarized in my own words based on what I have seen and read.


  • VETO COMP! Michael, Daniel, Terrance, Ameerah, Indy and Turner were all chosen to play.
  • Ameerah wonders if they should throw the competition so Daniel can keep the nominations the same. He thinks they should only do that if Michael and Terrance lose.
  • Daniel tells Nicole he plans on winning it.
  • Turner tells Terrance he won’t use POV and that he will probably be safe.
  • Taylor promises to keep Terrance safe.
  • Daniel wants to stay with the Bro alliance, but Brittany warns him that could make him a target.
  • Nicole promises to protect Daniel next week and claims that Taylor, Ammerah and Paloma will do the same.
  • Kyle is a pirate….no idea why.
  • Alyssa reminds Daniel that Michael is working on his social game, while Terrance hasn’t done anything since being nominated.
  • VETO COMP takes place and it looks like Michael wins.
  • Brittany and Kyle seem to be forming a bond. She offers to help him with social media stuff and tells him she thinks Daniel and Nicole seem to have an alliance.
  • Brittany also worries about the Backstage twist and how it could impact things. She wants Terrance gone, but wonders who can be put up as a pawn.
  • Terrance informs Daniel that there are bigger targets than him in the house.
  • Daniel wonders who to put up for renom. Taylor seems like the obvious choice, but he also considers Indy. He tells Nicole they can get rid of Taylor on their own time.
  • Most of the house seems to be against Taylor and want her gone.
  • Daniel makes it clear he won’t put up a strong player since he plans on befriending them this summer.
  • Everyone takes turns going upstairs to talk to Daniel and give their input on who should be put on the block. Taylor is the obvious choice, but Pooch, Indy, Tuner and Joseph are other options.
  • Jasmine wants Terrance to stay and thinks Indy is a good option to go on the block, despite the fact that she hasn’t connected with Taylor.
  • Monte tells everyone Taylor is spreading rumors that Paloma wants to target the big guys in the house. The girls get wind of this and trash talk her, which Taylor overhears. She ends up in tears.
  • Paloma is also in tears over said rumor.
  • Daniel makes it clear Taylor is the renom.
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  • Daniel worries about what will happen when his HOH reign ends…especially if Michael wins.
  • Monte and Daniel worry about the controversial situation with the block and if Terrance truly has the votes to stay.
  • Nicole worries about forming two big an alliance and tells this to Daniel. They wonder what will happen next week.
  • Ameerah plans to lay low this week. She thinks Pooch, Alyssa, Kyle and Monte will be the final four.
  • Indy and Joe form an alliance.
  • Paloma tells Monte she and some of the girls are doing a buddy system, Cookout style. He considers doing the same with Joseph.
  • Paloma plans on losing HOH this week. She also thinks she will win and plans to use her prize money to help other houseguests.
  • Taylor is still public enemy #1 in the house.
  • Terrance, Turner, Indy and Pooch are all targets for next week.


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