Big Brother 24 Live Feeds: The First 24 Hours

Big Brother 24 Live Feeds: The First 24 Hours

Big Brother 24 Live Feeds: The First 24 Hours


Credit: Paramount Plus Live Feeds and Big Brother Network. 

Summarized in my own words based on what I watched and read.

Feeds began at 12:30am EST/9:30 PST on Wednesday

  • As we learned on the show, Daniel is HOH. He calls everyone into the living room for a meeting.
  • Joseph, Michael, Monte and Kyle all volunteer to be Have Nots—even though Joseph sneaks a piece of watermelon right after he makes said decision.
  • The Have Nots struggle with temptation since there is food everywhere.
  • Daniel shows off his HOH room.
  • Pooch and Monte seem to already have an alliance–and want Kyle and Joseph to join.
  • Pooch also warns Brittany that Daniel is probably going after the biggest targets.
  • Alyssa and Paloma make a final two deal and plan their own alliance, which they hope will include Jasmine, Kyle and Pooch.
  • Daniel and Pooch seem to be forming their own alliance….maybe.
  • Paloma talks to Jasmine and says she wants Kyle in their alliance.
  • Brittany tells Alyssa and Paloma they are safe as per the DR, but they were told by Julie that they could be nominated for eviction. Alyssa finds out that this is most likely the case.
  • Daniel is struggling trying to figure out who to nominate.
  • Paloma and Alyssa want to target Taylor, especially if she gets into a showmance….so there can be a two for one deal. They also have plans to target Brittany.
  • There is now an all girls alliance, called Girls Girls….and they plan to do spying by pretending to be in other alliances.
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Day 2:

  • The Girls Girls alliance think Michael will be a good person to get information from while spying on the guys’ alliance.
  • Ameerah and Alyssa worry about Daniel putting them on the block and make plans to talk to him about what he is going to do.
  • The girls want to change their alliance name and debate on whether or not they should include Brittany. Ameerah thinks that nobody has figured out their alliance, while Paloma and Alyssa decide Indy cannot be trusted.
  • Ameerah talks strategy with Daniel and gives him ideas for targets….naming Indy as her main person.
  • Daniel and Nicole have a final two deal….aka Rats to Riches.
  • Pooch and Kyle want Nicole in their alliance.
  • There is speculation that the Have Nots are in an alliance.
  • Taylor and Monte seem to be bonding and both like Nicole, as well as the other Porta-Potty members.
  • Pooch suspects Daniel and Nicole have an alliance and tells Kyle. They also worry that Taylor’s behavior can get her on the block fairly quickly. The two of them also agree that they could possibly make an alliance with Monte and Joseph, despite Pooch worrying about Joseph’s attitude.
  • Daniel tells Pooch he is trying to get through the week as unscathed as possible.
  • Turner and Brittany have a final two deal and worry about the girls’ alliance.
  • Daniel, Pooch and Turner consider putting Michael on the block….and form an alliance of their own. They consider adding Alyssa, but it depends on how the Backstage Pass works.
  • Terrance worries about being the first to go since he isn’t yet involved in any specific alliance.
  • Brittany reveals that Taylor is spying for the boys, which puts a target on her back.
  • Paloma thinks a guy should be put on the block and plans to convince Daniel to make it happen. She says they can target Taylor next time.
  • It seems like Brittany wants Michael on the block as a pawn.
  • Pooch, Alyssa, Paloma and Monte work on their alliance and decide they can add four more people and cut two of them when they are no longer needed.
  • Michael plans on talking to each houseguest one on one to find out where they stand.
  • Paloma decides to use Michael to her advantage.
  • Paloma and Daniel decide to spy for each other and report back.
  • Alyssa, Monte, Paloma, Ameerah, Pooch and Kyle are in an alliance and decide to ditch Taylor for the time being.
  • Most of the house seems to be against Taylor and want her gone.
  • Michael promises safety to Daniel if he keeps him safe this week.
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