Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Another Manic Monday

Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Another Manic Monday

Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Another Manic Monday


As always, the Live Feed highlights are courtesy of Big Brother Network and Paramount Plus. Everything is written in my own words based on what I have seen and read.

There will be spoilers….you have been warned!


Terrance and Daniel seem to be forming a bond. Daniel promises to prove his loyalty to him and Michael if he wins HOH again.

Nicole and Ameerah are also bonding and agree Indy needs to go before jury.

The POV ceremony occurred and the noms remained the same.

Pooch thinks he is safe, but the rest of the house seems to want him gone.

Nicole and Ameerah say that if they win HOH Turner and Taylor would most likely go on the block. However, they are beginning to realize Taylor could be beneficial to have on their team.

Terrance and Taylor think they will put up Turner and Joseph and if necessary, backdoor Monte if one of them wins HOH.

Terrance admits he has not promised Monte anything despite the fact that he has been keeping him close.

Turner tells Brittany that Taylor was hoping to get off the block so another guy can go up.

Pooch thinks he is safe because girls are petty…which he learned from Mean Girls. (Aside: Regina George would OWN this competition! Someone needs to write a Mean Girls/Big Brother crossover fanfic!)

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Turner says Alyssa wants Kyle and Jasmine to be safe.

Kyle is undecided about entering a showmance with Alyssa.

Now the plan is to possibly split the vote and still get Pooch out, but then bring Turner to Daniel’s side. The girls are worried this might backfire.

Nicole and Terrance tell Taylor she will be fine, but to continue acting scared.

Daniel sees Brittany and Joseph talking and wonder if she can be trusted.

Kyle thinks a showmance can hurt his gameplay.

Michael wonders just how close Nicole is to the girls.

Brittany seems to be losing the trust of more people in the house.





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