The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip Ex Wives Club Episode 3 Snark and Highlights
The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip Ex Wives Club Episode 3 Snark and Highlights
- Vicki saying she wants to celebrate her birthday with her real friends, not her new ones is kind of rude.
- So right now it is Brandi vs. Vicki and Tamra.
- Maybe if Brandi becomes a different person when she drinks you should….maybe, I don’t know, cut her off or get her help?
- This lasagna off seems like it is going to be fun.
- I am loving this crystal thing and would love this store.
- This cannabis place looks pretty cool as well.
- Wine, crystals and cannabis, what a day!
- They all seem to really be enjoying that cannabis.
- I am loving the Jill QVC parody….she really is a good saleswoman.
- Field day! This one seems so much better than the ones we had at school…..we chose our activities by alphabetical order or some such nonsense, and because my last name begins with T, I was always given last pick and had the crappy activities I didn’t want, like hurdles and other ones an uncoordinated kid suck at epically.
- EVA WINS FIELD DAY! She has some goody bag as a prize.
- I just noticed Vicki wasn’t there. I completely forgot she went to the hospital.
- I don’t have a drinking problem, I have a drinking solution.
- Vicki is home and just has a sinus infection.
- That dessert table looks like heaven.
- The matching pajamas are actually really cute and they look super comfy.
- Both lasagnas look delicious….and now I want lasagna.
- Why is Dorinda freezing her lasagna, putting it in the fridge and then baking it?
- Brandi’s lasagna has celery, lemon juice and cabernet? That is a weird combination?
- Wait, now there is Cool Whip in the lasagna? Or was she joking.
- Dorinda wins the cook-off!
- Brandi is running around with a penis balloon on her head…..I have no words.
- This confessions game is kind of stupid…but Phaedra’s line about going from happy dicks to ding dongs made me laugh way too hard.
- It was cruel to ask Jill about her father. Even though it was a confessions game, it was still cruel. I’m glad Brandi defended her, but confused as to why Dorinda was so upset.
- WTF did Brandi say about Eva’s husband? Saying he had a mangina? WTF? That was so cruel and uncalled for.
- I choked on my horse pill…..I saw Jesus…..oh, Vicki.
- More next week, stay tuned!
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