Ultimate Cowboy Showdown: Chris and Coy
What can we expect to see this season?
Coy Melancon: Expect to see one of the best seasons of Ultimate Cowboy
Showdown yet. It will be everything you’ve seen in past seasons and more. It
was rougher; and, as far as skill level on this season it was night and day
compared to other seasons.
Chris Becker: This season has the toughest and best competitors yet!
What were some of the challenges being on the show?
Coy Melancon: First off mentally it was tougher than I thought I would be.
Physically I was up to the challenge. The toughest part for me was staying
mentally tough when the cameras were off. You compete against these guys and
then have to go live with them.
Chris Becker: Having to adjust and work with people you’ve never worked with
before was very challenging.
What do you hope people like about this season?
Coy Melancon: To me it’s more Cowboy than the past season. They brought in
cowboys with good ideas. It wasn’t just weekend warrior stuff but real day to day
Chris Becker: The drive and compassion of all of the competitors who wanted to
prove that they have what it takes.
Did you watch previous seasons to prepare for the show?
Coy Melancon: To prepare for the show, no. I did watch the previous seasons
but as a fan of the show. I don’t believe that the first two seasons could have
prepared me for season three in any way.
Chris Becker: Yes, I watched. However, the first two seasons don’t even
compare to this one! The competition is tougher than ever before, and the terrain
was more rugged.
What are some of your favorite memories from filming?
Coy Melancon: It would have to be seeing the production come together and
seeing what all goes into making the show.
Chris Becker: I really enjoyed working with the film crew. Many of them worked
on TV shows that I like to watch.
What’s next for you?
Coy Melancon: Honestly there is a lot coming. We’re working on some ideas
that can really take off. For the time being it’s just day to day operations.
Chris Becker: I’m expanding my cattle operation to become more independent
and successful. Ultimately, I want to work for myself full-time.
Tell me a fun fact about yourself.
Coy Melancon: I am always moving. I have had the opportunity to change up
what I am doing and now I get to do exactly what I love which keeps me on the
Chris Becker: After travel to California and Colorado as a polo groom; I came
back home to Arkansas and helped start the Northwest Arkansas Polo Club. I
became the first and youngest member of the club.
What are you watching on TV these days?
Coy Melancon: If I am on the road and have the opportunity to watch tv I would
say probably Friends. It’s my go to tv show to help me relax.
Chris Becker: My two favorites are Gold Rush and Survivor.
Anything else you want to share?
Coy Melancon: Go like and follow my social media platforms (Facebook:
@CoyMelancon, Instagram: @Jcmj_93)! You will get to know who I really am
and what I do. I have some exciting things coming up there to show the cowboy
way of life.
Chris Becker: It’s been a great opportunity being a part of this show, and I’m
excited for the future opportunities that will potentially come from the experience!