So You Think You Can Dance Quick-Cap for 5/25/2022
Second night of auditions, here we go! Since it went super-fast and was kind of hard to follow, I just listed who made it through and who was eliminated
The Yeses:
James Lord Finn–Street Dancer
Brianna Grey–Street Dancer (and James’s girlfriend!)
Jordin Suwalski–Contemporary
Shafar DelGado–Hip hop
Carter Williams–Ballroom
Keaton Kermode–Contemporary
Alexis Warr–Ballroom
Beau Harmon–Broadway
Zyiasia Knighton–ballet/contemporary
The Nos:
Jermaine Barber-Krump
Ohiole Dibua–Hip hop
Camryn Bridges–Jazz
Austin Lee–Jazz
Alyssa Marie Muna–Ballet
More next week, stay tuned!
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