ICYMI: How We Roll Recap for The Power of Positive Thinking

ICYMI: How We Roll Recap for The Power of Positive Thinking

The episode opens with various moments where Jen congratulates Tom on getting trophies for bowling–even though he never came in higher than 26th. He feels like he is in a rut and vents about it..


Jen tries to be encouraging and helps him to be more positive. He works on it and then asks her if she will really jump rope in a tube top. She makes it clear she was joking when she made that comment.


The next morning, Jen finds Tom listening to a positive thinking podcast, which is similar to what Jen told him the night before. She is glad he is doing better, as long as the podcast didn’t encourage him to buy anything.


At the bowling alley, he acts more positive, even though Archie continues to stress him out.  Tom continues to quote the podcast, which Lew is also a fan of. Archie tells them both to get back to work, but finally agrees to listen to the podcast.


Tia brings Jen supplies for her salon and admits she wishes they could work together. Jen says she can work for her, but Tia says Ruth would never let it happen—and that she is lying about being at the dentist in order to be at Jen’s. They both fantasize about working together until Tia has to leave.


Later on, Tom is home, still quoting the podcast when Tia comes back, saying that she quit and that they can work together. However, Tia also has a card for Jen from Ruth–saying that she is reporting her for illegally running a salon out of her kitchen. The ladies are upset, but Tom says that everything will be fine.

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The next day, Archie is in a wonderful, happy mood, thanks to his own experience with the podcast. He keeps encouraging Tom, which makes him happy. Carl and Lew are also impressed with his new frame of mind.


Tom is getting frustrated, so Archie tells him to change his focus to be more positive. However, Tom only gets more frustrated.


At home, Jen is preparing for the inspector when Tom comes home, complaining that nothing got done during practice due to Archie’s new positive way of thinking. He then wonders if he created a monster and if Archie is actually messing with him.

However, when Tom tries to talk to Archie later on, the two get into a fight.


The inspector arrives at the house, ready to shut them down. However, Tia turns the tables by showing what she knows about legally running a home business. This leads to them being allowed to have the salon in the sunroom once they make some minor changes and get a business license. The ladies are thrilled and hug it out.


Tom and Archie have a heart to heard and end up coming to a happy medium on how to get things done.


The episode ends with Tom telling Jen about his progress with Archie. They celebrate by going to the bedroom.


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