The Real Housewives of New Jersey Finale Highlights and Snark for 4/26/2022

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Finale Highlights and Snark for 4/26/2022

  • How is it the finale already? This season went by so fast!
  • I feel so bad for Jackie struggling with her eating disorder. I really hope she is going to be okay.
  • Hunter the chef is CUTE and that breakfast looks delightful.
  • Frankie owning massage parlors is not at all surprising.
  • I wish they would let this Teresa stuff go. It is not that interesting.
  • I am glad Margaret is being called out for the nasty stuff she did to Jen and Teresa this season.
  • Dolores is right—people can attend events or not. She has every right to invite whomever she wants and shouldn’t have to worry about who is fighting.
  • That biking bar looks fun, but I would be so scared of falling off.
  • Jackie ordering coleslaw was such a big moment for her….and I am so proud that she was able to take that step.
  • Joe going on and on about food while Margaret and Teresa fight is hysterical.
  • As an aside, now I want wings.
  • I am dying at this hot wing eating contest. Joey is acting like a silly bidily, while Bill eats them like most people eat toast.
  • I seriously almost DIED laughing when Frankie gave Joey the penis to help him throw up. OMG…these men.
  • I am in awe of the conversation between Louie and Joey when Louie says he wants to marry Teresa. It is such an incredible, moving talk….Joey is so protective of Teresa, while Louie wants to convince him how much he loves his sister.
  • I see where Margaret is coming from, but Teresa is right, she should have handled things better.
  • How is Jen the voice of reason this season?
  • I don’t think we will see a reconciliation between Teresa and Margaret this season….or ever.
  • WTF is happening with Louie right now? He is NOT a happy bunny.
  • As another aside, I think I had Dolores’s top when I tried to get into clubs and bars in college.
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  • Teresa and Louie are engaged!
  • Margaret is coming out with her own alcohol free beverage line.
  • Melissa is cheering on Antonia being a cheerleader.
  • Dolores is back home with her family and has a new man.
  • Jennifer is working on her marriage.
  • Jackie is making progress on her eating disorder.


  • Reunion next week, stay tuned.
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