American Song Contest Recap for 4/11/2022

American Song Contest Recap for 4/11/2022

American Song Contest Recap for 4/11/2022

The four acts from last week moving on are: Tyler Braden from Tennessee, Riker Lynch from Colorado, NI/CO from Alabama and Grant Knoche from Texas.

New Hampshire: Mari with Fly–She is incredible. Her energy is the perfect way to open the night. Her style is on point, her voice is a powerhouse and overall she is the whole damn package. LOVE her.

Nevada: The Crystal Method’s Scott Kirkland with Watch Me Now–The lights and special effects are amazing, but kind of take away from his performance. The rock and roll vibe is great and reminds me of the eighties.

Utah: Savannah Keyes with Sad Girl–She reminds me of actress Sara Paxton. Her voice has a sweet crossover country/pop vibe to it, kind of like an early Carrie Underwood.

Washington DC: Neither with I Like It–This has an interesting beat to it, which vibes well with his spirit and energy on stage. There is something so mesmerizing about his performance that makes me wish it could have been longer.

Massachusetts: Jared Lee with Shameless--He reminds me of a nineties crooner whose music is played at school functions or weddings. His voice is timeless and I have a feeling we will be hearing a lot from him for a very long time.

Georgia: Stela Cole with DIY–She definitely has pop princess vibes. I can definitely see her going the way of Xtina with her music. Her voice is diva-like and her style is on point, making her quite the stand out tonight.

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Hawaii: Bronson Varde with 4 You--He is by far my favorite of the night so far. The vibe he gives off is so calm and peaceful and I also appreciate that the performance focuses on his music without all the extra bells and whistles. He has a great stage presence and seems like such a sweetie!

West Virginia: Alexis Cunningham with Working on a Miracle–She needs to make Kelly her mentor STAT. She reminds me of her early days–sweet, cute, innocent with fun, poppy music. I feel like she is going to be entering those ranks soon.

Arizona: Las Marias with De La Finikera--I really like the beat and vibe to this song. It would fit in really well at clubs and on the dance charts. As an aside, seeing Snoop dance along has to be the cutest thing ever.

Pennsylvania: Bri Steves with Plenty Love–I am totally digging the gospel/rap vibe in this song. She has such a great stage presence and her unique sound really made her stand out tonight.

Washington: Allen Stone with A Bit of Both--I am loving the seventies feel to his performance. It kind of gives me a Beatles vibe, but with his own unique spin to it. I am curious to see what he does next.

This week’s winner—WASHINGTON!

More next week, stay tuned!


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