Celebrity Big Brother 3 Quick-Cap for 2/21/2022

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Quick-Cap for 2/21/2022

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Quick-Cap for 2/21/2022

  • It is a double eviction night! It is really anyone’s game at this point.
  • Todrick thinks Todd is a huge threat now. He actually thinks Cynthia and Lamar are less of a threat at this point, which is interesting since he did want Cynthia gone at one point.
  • ‘He walked away with that stank face? THE AUDACITY!’ That line was so perfectly delivered.
  • ‘We should have broke up that pair awhile ago’—-YOU DON’T SAY?!?! Good call, Captain Obvious!
  • Lamar seems really interested in cauliflower ears.
  • The houseguests love to play cards….I guess there is nothing else to do in the house?
  • A Booty Doo is when your stomach hangs out further than your booty. Thank you, Lamar.
  • ‘I look like a freaking Teletubby!’ The household is KILLING it with these lines tonight.
  • POV time! They face off in a luge-like competition and the last one standing will win the POV!
  • TODD WINS! Now Todrick has to decide whether to put up Miesha or Cynthia as a replacement nom.
  • Lamar referring to Todd as Big Brother Todd is adorable.
  • That post cake-steal fall looked painful. Poor Lamar.
  • Todd still wanting to support Todrick in his dreams is so sweet. He is truly his biggest fan, despite all the game play.
  • Listening to Todrick talk about wanting to write new versions of Broadway shows and fairy tales to represent the LGBT+ community and people of different backgrounds is so beautiful. Hearing the passion in his voice was such a moving moment. Todd telling him to go for it made the moment even better.
  • Todd is off the block, Cynthia is on.
  • Miesha votes to evict Lamar, but Todd votes to evict Cynthia.
  • Todrick now must vote due to a tie. He decides that Lamar will be evicted from the Big Brother House.
  • Lamar was surprised but prepared to go home.
  • I legit began crying when Lamar said that Todd is going to be his sober coach. I was wondering if they were going to bond over their sobriety and am so glad that they can help each other.
  • HOH time! They must view three movie posters and listen carefully to a set of clues. The first person to ring in with the correct answer will get a point.
  • Miesha is HOH!
  • Todd and Cynthia are on the block.
  • POV comp! Julie will ask them about events that happened in the house. They must roll a ball that corresponds to the correct or closest day.
  • Todrick and Miesha are tied, so they need to do a tiebreaker. Miesha wins, so she is guaranteed a spot in the finale.
  • Nominations stay the same.
  • Todrick gets the lone vote and decides to evict Todd.
  • Miesha, Cynthia and Todrick are in the final three.
  • Todd gives his goodbye interview and proves he is a class act through and through. He had nothing but good things to say about everyone and is just amazing and full of love.
  • Finale Wednesday! Stay tuned.
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