Celebrity Big Brother 3 Quick-Cap for 2/18/2022

Celebrity Big Brother 3 Quick-Cap for 2/18/2022

  • Carson is not at all surprised to be on the block, but seems confused Cynthia is not up there with him.
  • Cynthia agrees that their only hope is to win POV to take Carson down and make Todd go against his alliance.
  • I am legit SOBBING listening to Lamar talk about the deaths of his mom and son. I never realized he had been through so much in his life.
  • POV comp! They need to follow a medallion as it is shuffled and guess where it goes. This is crucial for Carson and Cynthia because they need the win to save him and if she wins, keep her off the block.
  • Miesha telling Lamar to shush is such a mood.
  • Carson doing the fake pageant smile when Miesha wins is hysterical.
  • Lamar wants to be Cynthia’s friend but doesn’t want to be her friend just to cut her out of the game.
  • Carson talking about how he accidentally dated a guy wanted for beating up and robbing people is scary AF. He is lucky to be alive!
  • I am impressed with how Miesha is training and following her strict weight class diet in the house.
  • Hmmm, it looks like Lamar might be the target after all?
  • Wait, now Carson and Cynthia want to keep the nominations the same? I am so confused.
  • JERRY O’CONNELL! We need him on next season. I love his humbleness and heart, as well as his sense of humor.
  • In a 2-1 vote, Carson is evicted from the Big Brother Household.
  • Carson’s goodbye messages show he is loved and truly the class act he has portrayed himself to be since day one.
  • IT was so sweet to see everyone get their family messages. Everyone has such cute, sweet families.
  • I have a feeling Carson will win America’s Favorite Houseguest and Todd will win the whole thing.
  • More tomorrow, stay tuned!
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