Celebrity Big Brother 3 Quick-Cap for 2/14/2022
- Todd and Miesha are on the block….but now they want to backdoor Shanna? WTF?
- Shanna knows she is on borrowed time, so she tries to talk to Cynthia, who doesn’t want to hear what she has to say.
- Carson and Cynthia think that Shanna is the bad guy in this whole situation……yet believe that Miesha and Todrick wouldn’t make up stories.
- Todrick and Miesha are working on a Save Miesha campaign…..and to get rid of both Shanna and Carson in the coming weeks.
- Carson makes a deal with Miesha to promise her safety, but only if she saves him and Cynthia in the future. She agrees, but it is obvious it is only to save her own ass.
- Shanna is the only one NOT playing for POV. This is not looking good for her, folks.
- Todrick wins the POV, which is a puzzle competition. He saves Todd, which leads to Shanna going on the block.
- As predicted, Shanna is unanimously evicted from the Big Brother house. She makes it clear she is not happy and feels betrayed, especially because Carson was playing in many alliances.
- Why is everyone talking so badly about Shanna when they are the ones who put this in motion?
- More coming soon, stay tuned!
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