The Real Housewives of Orange County Snark and Highlights for 1/19/2022

The Real Housewives of Orange County Snark and Highlights for 1/19/2022

The Real Housewives of Orange County Snark and Highlights for 1/19/2022

  • The swimsuit shopping trip looks like a lot of fun.
  • I feel like I am shopping with two Smurfs. I died laughing at that, mostly because I used to be called a Smurfette at my old job.
  • Calling Noella out for talking about others….pot, meet kettle!
  • I do like Noella, but that gift to Max was completely inappropriate. I also agree with Gina….having Heather read the cards was totally awkward.
  • Heather really went all out for this trip. Did she rent the entire resort for them? These rooms probably cost more than I make in a year.
  • These activities are incredible…..Heather was really generous to come up with so many fun ideas and plans for everyone.
  • So, Noella was the last one invited and the last one to leave for the trip? How did that work out? Unless the travel arrangements caused her to leave late.
  • This is definitely a filler episode, but it seems like the women are having a blast!
  • Did Noella even say hello to any of the ladies or did she just begin drinking on arrival? I can’t say I blame her, but still, it is kind of rude.
  • I am pretty sure Noella accepted the invitation from Heather out of spite, knowing full well it was a pity invite.
  • This is my first trip since losing my private plane. Yay to warm tequila….I was on Noella’s side, but now she is beginning to grate on my nerves.
  • Heather is right, it is just a tequila shot…..does anyone even notice the temperature when they do a shot?
  • I will be guiding you through your phone sex tonight….that escalated quickly.
  • Why is it such a big deal that Noella didn’t eat? As annoying as she is being, I don’t think food shaming her is the answer.
  • So it looks like Nicole is gone for good…..will we ever find out what happened?
  • The rest of this season looks like it will be better….I am getting excited about it now!
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More next week, stay tuned.

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