The Amazing Race 33 Season Premiere Recap

The Amazing Race 33 Season Premiere Recap

The Amazing Race 33 Season Premiere Recap

Tonight is the season premiere of The Amazing Race on CBS. This season began filming right before the COVID-19 pandemic andonly three legs of the race were filmed in the pre-COVID days.


First stop: London! Once the teams arrive (and get acquainted), they have to head to Buckingham Palace for their first clue. They have to find a person dressed as a telephone and figure out which one has the clue.


DETOUR! They must make a piece of art work to be displayed or time travel around Big Ben to Little Ben to Digi-Ben.


Several of the teams seem to be struggling, which leads to some tense moments. Some of the teams are also not familar with certain English/British words, which makes things more difficult.



Bobby is a British police officer, but several of the teams did not know this, leading to a lot of confusion and people looking for a dude named Bobby.


One by one, the teams finish the detours and collect their next clue. This time, they need to head to The Chipping Forecast, where Queen and Boris Johnson impersonators will give them their clue to the pit stop.


The teams will now need to race to the London’s Natural History Museum to check in. Phil Keoghan will met them and let them know where they stand.


1st place: Anthony & Spencer—They also win a luxury vacation to Turks and Caicos.

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2nd place: Ryan & Dusty

3rd place: Raquel & Cayla

4th place: Kim & Penn

5th place: Ray & Caro

6th place: Akbar & Sheridan

7th place: Connie & Sam

8th place: Taylor & Isaiah

9th place: Arun & Natalia

10th place: Lulu & Lala

11th Michael and Moe…..eliminated


Leg 2! The teams now get to experience London in the daytime. They head to the Mail Rail in the order they arrived to the pit stop. Once there, they must do a roadblock, which consists of them going through mail bins, looking for their clue.

It seems like an easy task, maybe too easy for some, who think that there is another clue in the box. This causes several teams to waste precious time.

However, once they do get the clue, they must head over to Leicester Square for their detour. Once they arrive, they must either do a bullseye challenge or cake challenge. The former challenges both team members to get a bullseye on the same try, while the other challenges them to decorate cakes modeled after flags.

The teams who choose the cake detour seem to have less trouble than the bullseye challenge. While some of the cake teams needed to do it over, most of them finished in one shot. The bullseye team, however, seemed to struggle.

Once the teams are done with the detours, it is time to head to a double decker bus on Russell Square Metro Station. Phil greets them with tea and tells them where they stand.

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1st place: Ryan & Dusty

2nd place: Connie & Sam

3rd place: Arun & Natalia

4th place: Raquel & Cayla

5th place: Kim & Penn

6th place: Ray & Caro

7th place: Anthony & Spencer

8th place: Akbar & Sheridan

9th place: Taylor & Isaiah

10th place: Lula & Lala



More next week, stay tuned!

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